
8 What if you were not using Zotero?

What if you were not going to use Zotero?

Tomorrow you will create a Zotero record using the information you have gathered. Zotero will make it easy to insert numbered in-text citations and to create a formatted bibliography.

If you were not going to use a program like Zotero, you would need to substitute the information you’ve gathered into the bibliography template for this type of reference. The template is as follows:

  1. Monograph title.   In: Monograph Set Title.  Publisher’s Name; yyyy. Accessed Month dd, yyyy.  webaddress


Substituting the information from the tutorial’s sample search produces the following bibliography entry (keep in mind that I updated the tutorial in May:

  1. Montelukast. In: Clinical Pharmacology. Elsevier, Inc.; Updated periodically. Accessed May 28, 2022. https://www.clinicalkey.com/pharmacology/monograph/762?n=Montelukast


Citing Clinical Pharmacology Copyright © by Cindy Schmidt. All Rights Reserved.