22 Read and discuss
Whether in K-12, colleges and universities, public libraries or university libraries, or other educational initiatives and organizations, keeping abreast of the literature via academic journals, industry publications, and even blogs, is an essential component of work in Open Education.
Choose one of the following articles to read and share with your peers, or reflect on yourself.
- Gulley, N. (2013). Creative Commons: challenges and solutions for researchers; a publisher’s perspective of copyright in an open access environment. Insights, 26(2).
- Norris, M. E., Swartz, M., & Kuhlmeier, V. A. (2023, January). The importance of copyright and shared norms for credit in Open Educational Resources. In Frontiers in Education (Vol. 7, p. 982). Frontiers.
- Open Culture. (n.d.). Creative Commons. Retrieved May 22, 2023, from https://creativecommons.org/about/program-areas/arts-culture/