
48 April 2020

Digital Learning Center to Remain Closed Through Summer

Due to the extension of remote access instruction through summer, the Digital Learning Center will continue to be closed to all student testing. More information is available about the transition to online instruction here:


We understand the need for proctored exams, and the Center for Transformative Teaching and the ITS Academic Technologies division have created resources to help you put together remote assessments. You can find those resources here: https://teaching.unl.edu/assessment-guide/.
Feel free to contact us at its-unl-dlc@nebraska.edu<mailto:its-unl-dlc@nebraska.edu> if you have any questions.

Safari – New security updates causes VidGrid/Canvas issues

Safari recently changed many of their security settings in the last update (13.1) to block third party cookies among other things.

This update causes issues of LTI launch errors and users not able to log in with applications within Canvas like VidGrid when using Safari.
If students report any issues in Canvas the first thing to recommend is to not use Safari.

In the meantime, we recommend using Google Chrome.

DLC Summer Reservations Available

The DLC Reservation website is now accepting exam requests for the 2020 summer term.  Reservations can be submitted for all summer sessions: pre-session, 8-week, 1st 5 week, and 2nd 5 week.

Secure your Zoom meeting

As of March 26th, the screen sharing settings within your account have automatically defaulted to “Only Host”. This setting gives hosts sole permission to share content within their meetings by default.

How do I give meeting participants the ability to share?
If you’d like to give participants screen sharing permission when hosting your next meeting, simply click the arrow to the right of the Screen Sharing icon, select Advanced Sharing Options and select All Participants.

Virtual Waiting Rooms
We highly recommend enabling the Waiting Room feature. This security enhancement is one of the best ways to protect your Zoom virtual classroom by giving you control over who can join your class and when. The virtual Waiting Room can be enabled for every class (in your settings) or for individual classes at the scheduling level. Watch this brief video to learn how to enable Waiting Rooms and manage participants. Watch Now<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__zoom.us5.list-2Dmanage.com_track_click-3Fu-3D246be7c94abce5e51bf4996a4-26id-3D5cfe9730af-26e-3Dcb3da7a40c&d=DwMFaQ&c=Cu5g146wZdoqVuKpTNsYHeFX_rg6kWhlkLF8Eft-wwo&r=Njchqc5rNjuszrgaDKuPGooRAI2swSKdkOPR9DWPGbo&m=fFDXptdCdRHj4jvLsmu25Xu59FffanbA94584El_BUk&s=1ACCu4tsTltxWUV8oHojj72pRw8-ALzqoVzxi8UPrXM&e=> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__zoom.us5.list-2Dmanage.com_track_click-3Fu-3D246be7c94abce5e51bf4996a4-26id-3Dcdd44c1479-26e-3Dcb3da7a40c&d=DwMFaQ&c=Cu5g146wZdoqVuKpTNsYHeFX_rg6kWhlkLF8Eft-wwo&r=Njchqc5rNjuszrgaDKuPGooRAI2swSKdkOPR9DWPGbo&m=fFDXptdCdRHj4jvLsmu25Xu59FffanbA94584El_BUk&s=l2fJ9R3YSq8xedKoyP2eBJQgCiSPOUHENdxUa6SlpyI&e=> →<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__zoom.us5.list-2Dmanage.com_track_click-3Fu-3D246be7c94abce5e51bf4996a4-26id-3Ded1af0e2b7-26e-3Dcb3da7a40c&d=DwMFaQ&c=Cu5g146wZdoqVuKpTNsYHeFX_rg6kWhlkLF8Eft-wwo&r=Njchqc5rNjuszrgaDKuPGooRAI2swSKdkOPR9DWPGbo&m=fFDXptdCdRHj4jvLsmu25Xu59FffanbA94584El_BUk&s=dZTgPFR5PDE36se6jsRsAkY0BlR_mMmV-X_johLas94&e=>

Best Practices for Securing Your Virtual Classrooms
Zoom has helped thousands of schools and teachers around the world quickly shift to remote virtual learning. Based on the feedback we’ve received from our education community, we’d like to highlight some best practices for securing your virtual classrooms. Read Blog →<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__zoom.us5.list-2Dmanage.com_track_click-3Fu-3D246be7c94abce5e51bf4996a4-26id-3Da589590237-26e-3Dcb3da7a40c&d=DwMFaQ&c=Cu5g146wZdoqVuKpTNsYHeFX_rg6kWhlkLF8Eft-wwo&r=Njchqc5rNjuszrgaDKuPGooRAI2swSKdkOPR9DWPGbo&m=fFDXptdCdRHj4jvLsmu25Xu59FffanbA94584El_BUk&s=1d5rtIrLoTquWYnG8ADX_t6_WiUmhTmHhQomRqpRuBM&e=>

Zoom Training for UNL
Check our UNL Zoom course for security settings and how to use Zoom here at UNL.

DLC-Reserve Summer Registrations Pushed Back

We were planning to make summer registrations available for DLC exam requests beginning Friday, April 3rd, but this date has been pushed back due to the unknown status of summer classes.  So, please disregard the message on this digest titled “DLC Summer Reservations Available.”  I will send out another message to this list when summer exam registrations are available for the Digital Learning Center.


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