
25 April 2022

Canvas Override Grades

As you calculate final grades, you can use the “final grade override” feature in Canvas to override grades in the final grade column. If you’ve taken steps to ensure Canvas accurately calculates simple grade structures, you shouldn’t need to use this feature. However, if you have a grading scheme that is more complex or instances in which inaccuracies have arisen in student grades, this feature may be helpful. Read more about it below.

Note that at UNL, you must turn on the Final Grade Override feature in the course Settings (right menu) > Feature Preview (a tab) > Final Grade Override

Canvas Course Grading Scheme

Enable a course grading scheme for each of your courses to give students the ability to easily see what letter grade is associated with the Canvas grade percentage. To begin adding a grading scheme to a course, go to settings (left menu) > course details (tab) > select the box next to “enable course grading scheme” about halfway down the page.


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