
22 August 2022

New Academic Technologies Learning Opportunities

This fall, Academic Technologies is bringing several new training and learning opportunities to the UNL campus.  First, we are offering drop-in office hours during the first week of the semester for instructors.  From August 22nd through August 26th, please feel free to join us during Zoom office hours to ask any Academic Technology question you might have – about your Canvas course, the services in our catalog, or anything else related to technology!  Members of the Academic Technologies team will be available on Zoom between 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday from August 22nd through August 26th to answer your questions.  The link for this is: https://nebraska.zoom.us/my/atservices.

Next, Academic Technologies has put together a one-pager with information about each of the services in its catalog plus support contact information. It is available at the following link: https://go.unl.edu/atservices.  We are hoping this will help faculty have a better understanding of what is available on the enterprise level to all instructors.

Finally, synchronous learning opportunities will be available each week of the semester on Zoom for each of the most popular Academic Technologies services.  Each Academic Technologies Lecture Series session will include an overview of the service it is covering and will include built in time at the end for Q+A. Registration is required for participants, and registration links, session information, and dates and times are available at the following link: https://go.unl.edu/atseries. We are tracking attendance because attendees will receive a list of the session(s) they attend via email as proof of professional development in mid-December when the series has concluded.  All sessions will be recorded and made available online – please reach out to Amy Barry (amybarry@nebraska.edu<mailto:amybarry@nebraska.edu>) if you would like the link to the recording for any presentation.  Contact Amy with any other questions about these exciting back to school opportunities!


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