
29 December 2021

Zoom security tip

Is your Zoom meeting room secure? There are several ways to improve the security of your Zoom meeting being used for class. Please see the following VidGrid video for more information: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://app.vidgrid.com/view/2sT88yE298xn__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!Wt39jQswxYFOWSZIXZQ78_2HSjoikK0ONkytj8BKxjGihZSp4PML82bmsdq54uli-9fBOA$

Final grade direct import to MyRed

Did you know you can import grades from Canvas directly to MyRed<https://registrar.unl.edu/faculty-staff/tutorials/faculty/final-grades/>? As long as Canvas is mostly correct about students’ grades, this process can save you time and help you reduce the chances of errors by importing all grades from Canvas to MyRed at one time. If there are a couple grades you need to alter/change, don’t worry! After the import, you have the option to update individual grades in MyRed if needed.

final grade override

As you calculate final grades, you can use the “final grade override” feature in Canvas to override grades in the final grade (or “total”) column. If you’ve taken steps to ensure Canvas accurately calculates simple grade structures, you shouldn’t need to use this feature. However, if you have a grading scheme that is more complex or instances in which inaccuracies have arisen in student grades, this feature may be helpful. Read more about it below.



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