
38 March 2021

Canvas – Immersive Reader

Immersive Reader has been enabled in Canvas. Immersive Reader enhances reading experience by improving accessibility in Canvas pages.
Immersive Reader allows the user to hear the page text read aloud.
For more information see the following link.

Zoom video cleanup

Due to the growing popularity and ease of recording our Zoom meetings, we are running out of cloud storage. To ensure that necessary Zoom recordings can be made and stored this semester, we ask that users do not make unnecessary recordings and to remove any unneeded video recordings.
Please refer to the following video link on how to manage your recordings.
We’re also asking that you turn off the auto record by default. The following video shows how this can be done.

Microsoft OneDrive, SharePoint, and Teams training

Just a reminder that Microsoft is offering free live event training for OneDrive, SharePoint, and Teams.
Besides just on Wednesday at 3:00, these are now offered at various times to fit schedules.
The following site provides links to these events,  a great training video from a past session, FAQs, and many more resources.

VidGrid menu update

VidGrid has updated the menu to allow quick access to all video interactions.
This simplified menu will include the chapters, questions, comments, and attachments.
Below is a quick video overview.

Canvas Page History

Did you make a mistake while updating a Canvas page? You can reverse those changes using the “view page history” feature in Canvas.

5th Annual NE Canvas Users Conference

The fifth annual Nebraska Canvas Users Conference will be virtual!
Mark your calendar for this year’s online event for Friday, August 6th.
The call for presenters is open and we’d love to hear from you!
To submit a proposal or to register go to: https://www.necanvasusersgroup.org

Canvas – Custom Due Dates for Assignments

By default, when you add availability dates or due date to assignments & quizzes in Canvas, the dates apply to all students. In instances when a student needs an extension on their Canvas deadlines or availability dates, you can easily add this to most types of assignments in Canvas using the “assign” feature. Simply edit the Course assignment or discussion board, scroll to the bottom of the edit page, and click the “+” button in the Assign area. Individual names you add in the assign area will have the due date and availability dates you specify for them while the dates for the rest of your students will remain unchanged.


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