
47 May 2020

Respondus Monitor License Extended

Due to the move to remote assessment this summer and the need for electronic proctoring, we have extended the Respondus Monitor license through July 2021.  Since the license has been extended, this means that you are welcome to plan on using Respondus Monitor for your summer classes and beyond.  Contact amy.zachek@nebraska.edu<mailto:amy.zachek@nebraska.edu> with any Respondus questions.

Zoom lighting techniques

With the approaching summer of on line courses and the increased use of Zoom for synchronous courses, lighting for camera sessions can make a significant difference in your time on screen. These tips from Laurel Hitchcock are simple adjustments to increase your Zoom delivery level: How webcam lighting makes a difference https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.laureliversonhitchcock.org_2020_03_16_the-2Dpower-2Dof-2Dlighting-2Din-2Da-2Dvirtual-2Dclassroom-2Dtips-2Don-2Dimproving-2Dwebcam-2Dlighting-2Dfor-2Donline-2Deducators_&d=DwIGaQ&c=Cu5g146wZdoqVuKpTNsYHeFX_rg6kWhlkLF8Eft-wwo&r=CA6aZlX5LOY3jsEJVlouTQ_lRd4EJkVrEzPcLHQ99kw&m=QyVeHpFpPySZ5ALVIqlMtziTVzgQO_vjn9JbMoTur8o&s=B1rhcYAO9yl_eU55hXCopy5UcvuvIg3kvplOaYZ7zzI&e=

Student view and discussion options added t0 Canvas Mobile for instructors

These requested features have recently been added to the mobile version of Canvas. To read more you can visit the Canvas announcement for the instructor version of Canvas mobile https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.canvaslms.com_docs_DOC-2D26725-2Dcanvas-2Dteacher-2Drelease-2Dnotes-2Dios-2D111&d=DwIGaQ&c=Cu5g146wZdoqVuKpTNsYHeFX_rg6kWhlkLF8Eft-wwo&r=CA6aZlX5LOY3jsEJVlouTQ_lRd4EJkVrEzPcLHQ99kw&m=wfeik1daJ1zyUpJnM0_fDPhvKf0Upx4QUE7DaC00Otw&s=5_vMYR8GQrxKFTTVQ35fjxtvcDNpKbFIonm7YY-q00w&e=

End of semester checklist

The end of the semester is almost here.
Here is a handy checklist to help you wrap up the semester.

Respondus Monitor Freezing Issues

Over the last week, it has come to my attention that some students encounter a loading/freezing error when attempting to take exams via Respondus Monitor.  Respondus recommends that if students encounter the error they should follow these recommendations:

*         Students should plug into a hard wired Ethernet connection or move to be closer nearby a router or access point while testing

*         Students should download and install the latest updated version of LockDown Browser

*         Students should try testing at off-peak times, such as not at the top of the hour, to encounter less server load

*         If students were trying to test on a Mac computer when they encountered the error and they have access to a PC, I would also recommend that they try to test from that PC instead (Macs seem to encounter this error more frequently)

Instructors and students can also submit a ticket at support@nebraska.edu<mailto:support@nebraska.edu> or by visiting support.respondus.com if they need additional help.

Zoom 5.0 is now available!

This release delivers advanced security enhancements and added protection for meeting data and greater resistance to tampering
Learn more and update at:

End of semester checklist

The end of the semester is almost here.
Here is a handy checklist to help you wrap up the semester.



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