
53 November 2019

EvaluationKIT Pilot Fall 2019 Semester

Be on the lookout for a new on-line course evaluation system for Fall 2019 end-of semester course evaluations, starting just a few days from now. The software is called EvaluationKIT, and is deployed with an integration through Canvas. Students will complete their course evaluations mainly on Canvas, but can also take them through an e-mailed link or on a mobile device. Instructors can have students bring their devices to take the evaluations in class-if they do, it will be in conjunction with a deployment window, with start and end dates covering roughly two weeks near the end of the semester. Deployment dates vary per college-check with your department office for your college’s dates. Two colleges have been running the system about a year, 4 more colleges are piloting this semester, with all 9 colleges and some other UNL programs piloting to some extent in Spring 2020.

A main feature for instructors is a tool called a Response Rate Tracker, which is a real-time monitor of how many students have and haven’t submitted evaluations during the deployment window. Instructors can use this tool to monitor and advocate for boosting their own high response rates in their courses. System functionality always keeps all student submissions confidential.

For more information on the pilot and other deployment details, contact Ben Lass in ITS Academic Technologies @ 402-472-2313, or mysurveys@unl.edu<mailto:mysurveys@unl.edu>.


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