
43 September 2020

Zoom – Audio Settings Essentials for the Classroom

Make sure your audio is set properly when using a UNL General Purpose Classroom.
(Check the instructional video at the bottom of the following page)

Zoom’s support article for how to test sound:

Canvas – Preparing for next semester

When will I see the courses I’m teaching next semester in Canvas?
Your courses for the upcoming semester generally appear around the time registration begins for that semester.

I’d like to start preparing for next semester before my Canvas courses are available.
You can request a sandbox course. Sandbox courses aren’t recognized courses and not to be used for official teaching. They can be used to practice in Canvas or to start building a course for the upcoming semester. Course materials can be easily imported into your official Canvas course when that course becomes available to you.
To get a sandbox course submit a ticket at: https://its.unl.edu/canvas-support-request/

How to copy content from another Canvas course.


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