46 When You Make the First Step from a College to a Business: Pros, Cons, and Helpful Tips

Many people across the globe are dreaming about having their own business venture. Despite the fact that it may be associated with numerous risks and responsibilities, a business still remains a desired fruit for many. If you are among these people but think you need to gain more experience, you may be surprised.

History knows lots of examples of when fresh graduates from a college launch their business projects and manage to succeed. Yes, the foremost aspect in this case is having a workable business idea. Google, Dell, Facebook, and FedEx, to mention a few – these brands succeeded with a CEO who was a fresh graduate at the time of launch.

Is it possible now? Yes, sure. Even if the competition in the market is high, there are good chances too. To tackle these outer circumstances, there may be a reason to draw more attention to brand reveal. It is about the brand’s personality, values, and vision. Don’t underestimate that since sometimes not the products but brands are sold in the first turn.

When launching your brand, there are actually many other pitfalls and, of course, advantages. Let’s reveal all of them to help you with making your business endeavors successful.

Pre-Launch Stage

As mentioned before, a workable business idea is a cornerstone of any business project. It actually determines the success of your business venture by 50%.

When you think about it, concentrate on the real-life issues and how you can help solve them. There’s even no need to touch something too global. Focusing on your daily routine will help you detect the problem that bothers you personally, and it is very common for other people as well.

In fact, when you start, especially if you lack the experience, it is much easier to succeed if you suggest workable solutions for routine troubles. This effort will help you to form a supposedly winning brand concept.

Difficulties on Your Way

This paragraph shouldn’t discourage you. Instead, it should motivate you to foresee and overcome any challenges that may appear at the early start of your operation. So, what are the must-have things that have to be covered when crafting brand concepts:

  • Focus on the solution – even if you have ascertained the problem correctly and this is a “pain” for many people across the globe, still, focus on the solutions. People can be actually irritated sometimes when someone reminds them about their pains. Instead, they appreciate a lot when someone offers an easy solution. It is perfect if this solution doesn’t cost astronomic money. This is a point that trustworthy customer experience agencies highlight when working on brand concepts and content for startups.
  • Crafting a winning brand identity – the way how you present your startup in the market, to your customers, matters a lot for its success. There may be lots of similar good products, however, exactly sufficient branding will help your business stand out. If you find the concept of your brand a bit haphazard now, there may be a reason to involve a B2B branding agency. This extra step will help with deriving the same extra benefits in the future.
  • Lack of experience and skills – this is probably one of the most severe challenges for self-starters. Fresh graduates are more passionate about their business ventures. However, business is also about effective planning and responsibilities. The lack of practical knowledge and skills may affect the result.

However, these possible negative outcomes are easy to tackle if the young entrepreneurs draw sufficient attention to planning and managing their business responsibilities.

This is especially important when the story comes to customer relations. A proficient service design agency can share with you their expertise to minimize or eliminate all possible pitfalls at the start. This will help to make customer relations smoother and revenues higher even at the beginning of your business operation.

  • Short of money – if you are a college graduate, you likely don’t have a million in your pocket. Is that a sufficient reason to skip your desired business idea and go to a full-time job? Of course, this is not.

In the modern world, entrepreneurs almost never invest their own money or limit their portion of such. Instead, they involve external funding. We don’t speak about the loans at the moment – there are many other, more favorable, ways to nourish your business venture. NH marketing agency can easily help with finding a sufficient amount of funding.

  • Having a “plan B” – it is always a good idea to have some extra activity that could back up your major business activity in the case of failure. Be mindful about the things you would like to do and raise a sufficient amount of money to cover your basic life expenses.

That’s real life. If some entrepreneurs managed to succeed starting from their first attempt, some tried two or three times before they managed to build and run a good startup. However, effective branding architecture can maximize the chances of survival and growth in the modern highly competitive world.

  • No focus on your personal life – it’s true, unfortunately. If you wish to succeed in business while being a college student or a recent graduate, you most likely have to skip most of the parties in your life. However, if you are passionate about your business idea and wholeheartedly wish to succeed, this may be not too painful for you. Many famous entrepreneurs have actually passed the same way in the past.

These are probably the most important aspects to highlight for self-starters. Depending on the product you intend to present in the market, there may be many other issues on the table. The collaboration with a customer experience agency will help you to overcome any specific challenges on the agenda smoothly.

Promising Rewards

Even if there are lots of challenges in place, there are also plenty of rewards on the other side of the coin. If you are courageous enough, you can enjoy these benefits after launching a startup:

  • Financial freedom – even if at the beginning of your business, you need to spend more, later, you can enjoy multiple fruits. Your courage can be more than rewarding since you will be able to earn more than your peers and obviously more compared to a full-time job.
  • More flexibility – you dispose of your time and effort on your own. There is no other schedule except for one you form on your own. You can devote the exact amount of time you want. Of course, this should be made without sacrificing the results of the launch of your business venture. However, flexibility always remains among the most important bonuses when doing business.
  • No pressure – since you are not working full-time but are working on your own, there is nobody to push you. Starting your business just after graduating from college is a good opportunity to enjoy life and the benefits from your efforts maximally. You can arrange your lifestyle as you think this fits you best.
  • Extra support – starting a business just after graduating from college may seem to be too complicated. However, life brings some surprises. Many famous entrepreneurs and funds are willing and even prioritize supporting exactly startups. Among such entrepreneurs, there are many those who found their own businesses in college or instantly afterward. So, it’s a really good chance to enjoy support and succeed on your own.
  • Stand out among your peers – while they are working full-time, you can enjoy doing business. It is also a great moral satisfaction to have a successful business venture while being young. The early but effective endeavor may bring freedom up to the end of your life, in fact. Branding concepts sometimes gain extremely high value.

Tips for Launching Your Startup

Having a workable idea and a good plan on how to bring it into practice are important but not the only things to consider. The below 100% verified tips will help you to maximize your chances of success:

  • Prioritize your unique selling proposition – in other words, this is a point that makes you distinct in the market. Emphasizing it while developing your brand architecture strategy is a must-have. If you neglect it, you risk failing because of a bit hazardous conception of your product.
  • Create engaging content – don’t expect that having an amazing product will be enough in our competitive world. Any truly good product should also have the same good presentation. Thus, create digital content that will showcase the solutions your product can bring and its major benefits. Start with creating a digital content plan for a short period of time at least, emphasizing social media channels especially.
  • Draw attention to the tone of voice of your brand – this is actually an aspect enabling a business to attract the exact customers. The brand’s verbal identity refers to how it sounds, which language it uses, and the tone it applies. This is an underestimated yet powerful aspect to make a brand distinct from its competitors.
  • Integrate software – for better inventory management and delivering a better customer experience, this aspect is important. Fewer mistakes at the start give more opportunities for further growth. One of the most workable approaches for self-starters is to hire an SFCC developer. This abbreviation stands for Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) a software-as-a-service ecommerce solution for retailers and brands. This feature will help you arrange the internal processes and communication with customers smoothly.
  • Involve experts in the field if you lack confidence at the start – if the lack of skills and experience is felt sharply, there is no need to remain frustrated. The solution is simple in this case – you can hire a customer experience management agency to help you with a successful start.
  • Be attentive to feedback – this aspect will remain important throughout the entire business route you will have. Be attentive to customer feedback and the results of your business performance at all times. When a business starts operating on a larger scale, it may be even required to involve a data science agency to process the relevant info effectively. However, the outputs of such a procession may even open room for the next business scaling. But, at the start, this action is optional.

One More Important Thing

If you’ve decided to focus on some large-scale idea or completely don’t know how to elaborate on your brand concept, that may be a reason to back up your efforts with professional help. Vulcan makes a difference and helps to overcome business challenges. Previous expertise allowed us to have currently $3b in successful exits and over $1b in funds raised for our clients. Among our successful cases are such companies as:

  • Privy – this Blockchain project had a bit bold idea of making Web3 authentication both simple and secure. We have managed to create a product concept that turned the complexity into ease. Vulcan crafted a truly distinct visual identity that lots of customers worldwide, both ordinary ones and developers, find seamless, engaging, and trustworthy.
  • Spark – this startup cares about the environment. It streamlines solar development thanks to cutting-edge AI workflows. Vulcan helped with making the screening of this platform and facilitating the search across different locations.
  • Serverless – this project is focused on running cutting-edge cloud-native architecture focused on efficiency and adaptability. Vulcan Agency helped this team to streamline their internal processes, reduce complexities, and also scale effortlessly at the same time.
  • Nature’s Nectar – this brand appeared in the market to produce cannabis-infused wellness products characterized by their purity and sustainability. Vulcan assisted this young brand with crafting the concept that could help it stand out in the market.

Vulcan is a “one-stop” agency rendering top-notch services focused on branding, product design, marketing, deck building, etc. If you are experiencing a lack of funding, our agency can help with getting initial VC funding as well.

We are a customer experience design agency that covers effectively any business-launching issues. Send your request and details – we will figure out the most workable brand strategy in your case to succeed.

Bottom Line

Starting a business instantly after graduating from college may seem to be a challenging, but quite realistic task to achieve. Lots of examples, including many famous companies, prove – it is possible.

Having a clear and distinct business idea focused on the solutions instead of the problems makes the important background for the next success. Proper planning and funding will make this idea closer to success. If you feel the lack of skills and experience is a bit complicated, requesting business and human centered design consulting may have a catalytic effect on your business. Enjoying the fruits of your business is more than possible at all times.


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