2 Accessing LexiComp and Searching for the Needed Monograph

Accessing LexiDrugs via LexiComp

To find the LexiDrugs monograph for your monograph assignment drug:

  • Go to the Library’s homepage (should be present on the right-hand side of this window).
  • Click on the “Drug Resources” button.

A screenshot shows use of the "Resources" menu to select "Drug Resources"

  • Click on the “LexiComp” link.  LexiDrugs monographs are included in LexiComp.

A screenshot shows the appearance of the LexiComp link and points out that LexiDrugs is included

  • Login with your UNMC Net ID if asked to do so.

Searching for the Needed LexiDrugs Monograph

  • Search for the generic name of your monograph assignment drug.


A screenshot of the LexiComp serch box.


A search for — montelukast — is shown in the screenshots.  Do NOT search for montelukast unless is the drug you claimed as your monograph assignment topic!


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Citing LexiDrugs Copyright © 2020 by Cindy Schmidt is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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