AMA 11th Template

Monographs from monograph sets are formatted like chapters from books:

  1. AuthorLast F. Monograph title.   In: EditorLast F, ed. Monograph Set Title.  #rd/th ed. Publisher’s Name; yyyy:startpage-endpage. Accessed Month dd, yyyy.  webaddress


Authors, editors, edition number, and page numbers are not provided in online LexiDrugs monographs.  When these elements are removed from the template, one is left with the following:

  1. Monograph title.   In: Monograph Set Title.  Publisher’s Name; yyyy. Accessed Month dd, yyyy.  webaddress


As a student in Introduction to Drug Information (PHPR 562), you will use the bibliographic management program Zotero to help you create formatted citations and bibliography entries, but you will still have to gather the information needed for the citation and enter it in a Zotero record.

You will need to keep a record of the information you gather today.

  • Open a Word document.
  • Copy the text between the rows of asterisks and paste it into the Word document.


Resource Title:

Monograph Title:

Web Address:

Updated Date:

Publisher’s Name:

Accessed Date:



  • Save the Word document as  –MA2_LexiDrugs_(your name)__
  • When you’ve finished this tutorial submit the Word document through Canvas as your MA2 (monograph assignment step 2) assignment (one of the Week1 Labs/Assignments).



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Citing LexiDrugs Copyright © 2020 by Cindy Schmidt is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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