
12 OPUS 2: MIDI drum beats

Assignment: Opus 2: MIDI Drum Original Drum Beats based on reading

Create a midi piece that has two contrasting drum beats (both at the same tempo)

  • Track 1: (Bars 1-4) using standard drum kit and the “Step Sequencer” (edit mode) create a beat (16 steps)
  • Track 1: (Bars 5-8) create a second pattern with the Step Sequencer ONLY using a single drum type with 16 steps (hits) BUT with each hit a different velocity in order to create an interesting beat.

NOTE: the two regions can be considered as either contrasting or complementary – your choice

SUBMISSION: (1) Logic Pro project with description in the notepad

Opus 2 Objectives

  1. Using a MIDI-supporting DAW, create drum tracks based on GM principles
  2. Use pattern/beat sequencing
  3. Understand role of ‘velocity’ as musical and expressive feature
  4. Understand GM drum kits

Tutorial for Opus 2

  1. Start a new project with initial track using a software instrument – (NOT drummer)
  2. Change the initial instrument to Drum Kit ยป SoCal
  3. Switch to editor mode and select “Step Sequencer”
  4. Create a 16 step drum pattern using any of the drum sounds you like (the initial region will be Bars 1-4)
  5. Add a second “Pattern Region” to track 1
  6. Create a 16 step drum pattern using ONE drum sound, but with each of the 16 hits at different velocities
  7. Use the Song Info feature to briefly describe the basis of your decisions
  8. Save the project and submit the project

Tutorial for Pro Tools Intro