
10 OPUS 1: ooloom & ta-ke-ti

Assignment: Opus 1: MIDI piece using GM pitched instrument(s) based on reading

Create a midi piece that has two tracks, (one for ooloom, one for ta-ke-ti)


  • Track 1: assign a suitable instrument and create original content that represents “ooloom”
  • Track 2: assign a different instrument and create additional content that represents “ta-ke-ti”

NOTE: the two tracks should be considered independent of each other

SUBMISSION: (1) A standard MIDI file (two tracks) and (2) Logic Pro (Mac) or ProTools (Windows) project with description in the notepad/track comments

Opus 1 Objectives

  1. Using a MIDI-supporting DAW, create tracks that use software instruments
  2. Be able to change the timbre of any track
  3. Input MIDI notes via DAW tools (pencil, QWERTY keyboard, virtual keyboard) via ‘step time’
  4. Input MIDI notes via recording in ‘real time’
  5. Be able to edit note parameters including pitch, length, and position in time
  6. Be able to export your work as a standard MIDI file
  7. OPTIONAL: also be able to input MIDI notes via external device

Tutorial for Opus 1
  1. Start a new project with track(s) that use a software instrument
  2. Organize your view of the project to see, at a minimum, the track view and the library of instruments.
  3. Find an instrument that works as an ‘ooloom’ timbre – use a virtual keyboard and/or QWERTY keyboard to test sound(s)
  4. Create music (MIDI) content that represents ‘ooloom’ – enter notes using any means you’d like
  5. Create a second track and repeat the above steps for ‘ta-ke-ti’ – to avoid hearing the previous ooloom content, mute the track or create your content in a blank area of the project.
  6. Use the notepad feature to briefly describe the basis of your decisions
  7. Export a midi file and an audio file version of the project
  8. Submit the actual project as well…


Tutorial for Logic Pro


Tutorial for Pro Tools Intro

Overview to Pro Tools Intro & Demo for Opus 1

Reference Slides for ProTools Intro QuickStart

Opus 1 Demo for ProTools