
Class Policies



Office Location & Hours 

Toni Anaya, Professor

Phone/text:  402.413.9913

 Lorna Dawes, Associate Professor



The NCPA Summer Library Research Boot Camp was created to provide incoming seniors with an introduction to the research skills needed to complete their Senior Capstones.


Research Camp Requirements and Attendance

In-person attendance is required for all three days of camp. If you cannot attend or have an emergency, please contact NCPA staff or your mentor.  You are required to complete all activities and meet all deadlines for the camp unless alternate arrangements are made.

Required Materials 

The NCPA Research Guide (this book) will provide all required materials. Please contact an instructor if you have any questions or need help accessing these documents and videos.


Office Hours 

Instructors will be present and invite scholars to reach out and ask for help with questions about boot camp, your summer project, and explain assignments or terminology.  This is our opportunity to get to know each other and develop a relationship that can last not only during your senior year but throughout your college career. You can meet with whomever you choose-don’t be shy! It’s our job to help you prepare for your capstone and show you that you CAN complete the work we are asking of you. Each of your instructors offers online appointment scheduling so you can find a time that works for you throughout the school year.


Class Policies

Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty: By attending this boot camp and as an NCPA Scholar, you are a member of a community that demands intellectual integrity. Plagiarism is copying or using someone else’s work and failing to attribute your source. We expect that all of the work you turn in for this camp will be your own, written entirely by you, and written for this camp.

Generally, we believe that students engage in academic dishonesty either because they genuinely don’t understand how to work with and attribute sources, or because they are under extreme pressure to complete work and are searching for a way out. If either of these situations applies to you, please contact one of your instructors. It is always better to approach us before a problem arises rather than having to face academic sanctions.


Inclusivity: Every student in this classroom, regardless of personal history or identity categories, is a valued member of this group. Your experiences are valuable and important, and you should feel free to share them as they become relevant to our class. No student in this class is ever expected or believed to speak for all members of a group. To be effective in this process, we need to be respectful of views different from our own. We do not always have to agree, but we always need to be open to the views of others and be willing to question our own ideas.

In this classroom, you have the right to determine your own identity. You have the right to be called by whatever name you wish, and for that name to be pronounced correctly. You have the right to be referred to by whatever pronouns you wish. You have the right to adjust those things at any point in your education.

If you find that there are aspects of course instruction, subject matter, or online classroom environment that result in barriers to your inclusion, please contact an instructor privately without fear of reprisal.


Final Project  

Due: June 6, 4pm  

Each scholar must complete the following throughout Senior Scholars summer camp:

  • Develop a unique research question based on their topic.
  • Locate two articles that provide you with a good overview of your topic.
  • Analyze at least two SCHOLARLY articles based on your research question.
  • Individually create an abstract, key points, and a conclusion based on your research.
  • Prepare and present an individual presentation.


Presentation: Scholars will prepare a poster on their topic in the form of one slide created in Google Slides or PowerPoint and will deliver a 2-3-minute presentation of their findings at the end of boot camp.


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NCPA Research Guide Copyright © 2020 by Lorna Dawes & Toni Anaya is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.