
6 Module 5: Final Project

NCPA Senior Summer Boot Camp Research Project and Presentation 

Toni Anaya

 NCPA Senior Summer Boot Camp Research Project and Presentation 

Each scholar must complete the following throughout this Senior Scholars summer camp:  

  • Develop a unique research question based on their topic
  • Locate two scholarly articles which provide you with a good overview of your topic
  • Analyze at least two SCHOLARLY articles based on your research question-  using the “Scholarship as Conversation” exercise.
  • Create an abstract, key points, and a conclusion based on your research
  • Create a poster using the pieces developed above


Individual presentation 

As you worked through the modules in this textbook, you created the bulk of the material you need to include on your poster.  All you need to do is create your slide and design your poster adding text boxes with your completed sections. Make sure to include citations for everything you use including images.

Once your poster is complete, save it as a PDF and submit it using this link.

On Friday, each scholar will be required to deliver a 2-3 minute presentation of their findings.  



Your presentation must contain the following required elements: 

  • Title (you can be creative)
  • Name
  • School
  • An abstract including a research question
  • Key points or important facts from your article(s)
  • A conclusion and future research topics
  • Work cited list in MLA format

Watch this video for instructions sharing from Sharepoint (Omaha students) 

Create your poster 

  • Create a Google Slide or Powerpoint following the instructions on the handout
  • When complete, save it as a PDF and submit it using this link.
  • Posters are due by June 6, 2024, 4:00 pm





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NCPA Research Guide Copyright © 2020 by Lorna Dawes & Toni Anaya is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.