
Objective 4b: Keyword Search for Recent Meta-analyses (optional, search 3)

Prepare for the search

This next search is a search for indexed and unindexed records.

  • If you’re on the “Advanced” search page, use the … to add your most recent search to the query box.
  • Go to the PubMed search box or “query box”, find– NOT MEDLINE[sb] — at the end of your search strategy and remove these terms.
  • Click the “Search” button so that you are again looking at indexed and unindexed records.


The Search for Previously Published Systematic Reviews

What is retrieved?

The final required variant of the keyword search is a search for indexed and unindexed:

  • guidelines,
  • consensus statements,
  • systematic reviews, and
  • meta-analyses.



The assignment guidelines allow you to consider findings of recent meta-analyses.  Also authors of formulary monographs are expected to be aware of the recommendations made in these previous publications.  If previously published guidelines exist, Dr. Marx, and her colleagues may ask how group findings compare to these guidelines.


  • Either use the “Article type” filters to select “meta-analysis”, and, if you wish, “practice guideline”, and “systematic review”; or click on UNMC’s custom “systematic rev.+ meta-analyses + guidelines” filter. (This is near the top of the “Filter” column)

A screenshot show the position of the "systematic rev _ Meta-analyses + guidelines" filter

  • Both the “systematic review” “Article Type” filter and the custom UNMC filter finds indexed and unindexed guidelines, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses.  Since keywords are included in the filter, some of the results will not be the relevant publication type, but will rather talk about the relevant publication type.


Document Your Search

If you used “Article type” filters, you can simply copy the search from the “Advanced” page as before.

However, custom filters created by an institution like UNMC will not show up on the “Advanced” search page.  If you used the custom filter:

  • Copy the search strategy from the PubMed search box.
  • Paste it under heading “4*. Keyword search for indexed and unindexed PubMed records for systemic reviews”
  • Under the pasted strategy, type — Applied : “systematic rev _ Meta-analyses + guidelines” filter

Search Strategies: 

1. MeSH search for indexed PubMed (MEDLINE) records for clinical trials.

(((“eculizumab” [Supplementary Concept]) AND “Hemoglobinuria, Paroxysmal”[Mesh]) AND “Embolism and Thrombosis”[Mesh]) AND “therapy” [Subheading] AND ((clinicaltrial[Filter]) AND (english[Filter]))

3 results

(If you decided to conduct a combined MeSH-keyword search for indexed records, it would replace the search above , and you would indicate the number of results it retrieved.)

2. Keyword search for unindexed PubMed records (PREMEDLINE, OLD MEDLINE, PMC)

(Eculizumab* OR 219685-50-4 OR h5G1.1* OR h5g11 OR h5G1-1 OR 5G1.1 OR Soliris OR Elizaria OR Alexion OR Acveris) AND (((intermittent OR paroxysmal ) AND ( haemoglobinur* OR hemoglobinur* OR haematur* OR hematur* OR haematinur* OR hematinur*)) OR PNH OR Marchiafava-Micheli [tiab]) AND (Clot[tiab] OR Clots[tiab] OR budd-chiari[tiab] OR embol* OR postthromb* OR thromb*) NOT MEDLINE[sb] AND (english[Filter])

71 results

3. Keyword search for unindexed and indexed PubMed records for meta-analyses: (optional)

(Eculizumab* OR 219685-50-4 OR h5G1.1* OR h5g11 OR h5G1-1 OR 5G1.1 OR Soliris OR Elizaria OR Alexion OR Acveris) AND (((intermittent OR paroxysmal ) AND ( haemoglobinur* OR hemoglobinur* OR haematur* OR hematur* OR haematinur* OR hematinur*)) OR PNH OR Marchiafava-Micheli [tiab]) AND (Clot OR Clots[tiab] OR budd-chiari[tiab] OR embol* OR postthromb* OR thromb*) AND (english[Filter]))

Applied: “systematic rev _ Meta-analyses + guidelines” filter

11 results

4.  ClinicalTrials.gov

5. EMBASE (optional):

6. Drugs@FDA (optional):

 The following drug names were omitted from the keyword search strategies 2- 5 because they were used frequently to indicate discussion of irrelevant concepts and were causing retrieval of irrelevant results: 




Searching PubMed for all the Evidence Copyright © by Cindy Schmidt. All Rights Reserved.