
Objective 2. Steps in a MeSH: Adding Drug Heading

MeSH Search Step 4  –Looking up the actual MeSH

Access PubMed

Click here to return to PubMed.

In the future, to reach the UNMC version of PubMed:

  • Go to the Library homepage.
  • Click on the “Resources” menu.
  • Click on the “Literature Databases” link.

A screenshot shows the "Resources" menu and the "Literature Databases" link.

  • Click on the “PubMed” button.

A screenshot of the "PubMed" link.

You should now see the PubMed homepage in your new browser window.

Access the MeSH Database

  • Find the “Globe/Explore” list on the right-hand side of the page.

A screenshot of the "Explore" list and the "MeSH Database" link.

  • Click on the “MeSH Database” link.

Search MeSH Database for drug concept

  • enter — eculizumab — in the MeSH search box and
  • click the “search” button
  • If you see a list of headings and/or supplementary concepts rather than a single heading/supplementary concept, click on the most appropriate term in the list.


A search of the MeSH database for a drug name will retrieve either a “Supplementary concept” heading (“Supplementary Concepts” are terms that are in the ‘waiting room’ for assignment of official MeSH status.), a MeSH heading for the drug of interest, or no relevant result.

  • If your search identifies a relevant Supplementary Concept for your drug:
    • Click the “Add to search builder” button.

A screenshot shwoing the use of the "Add to search builder" button to add the "Supplementary Concept" to the "Search Builder"

    • Supplementary Concepts aren’t in trees and don’t have subheadings, but, otherwise, work just like MeSH headings.
  • If your search identifies a relevant MeSH heading for your drug:
    • Scroll down to see the MeSH tree
      • Do you want to use a narrower or broader heading rather than the heading you initially identified.
      • Should you stop the default explosion of the heading identified (are their narrower irrelevant headings?)
    • Scroll up to the
      • Restrict to MeSH Major Topic
    • Select any desired subheadings.
    • Click the “Add to search builder” button.


  • If your search identified neither a  relevant MeSH heading nor a relevant Supplementary Concept, you will need to use a keyword search for the drug concept.

Note Introduction Date for Drug’s MeSH or Supplementary Concept

In your Word document, make a note of the “Date Introduced” associated with your drug’s heading or supplementary concept.

The eculizumab[supplementary concept] entries introduction date is underlined in the screenshot below:

A screenshot shows the Eculizumab introduction date.


Searching PubMed for all the Evidence Copyright © by Cindy Schmidt. All Rights Reserved.