
Publication Ethics Statement


The Journal of Religion & Film has a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism. By submitting to the Journal, it is understood that the submitting author(s) certify that their submission is original work not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Plagiarism occurs when authors present another person’s written work or ideas as their own. Duplicate publication, sometimes called self-plagiarism, occurs when an author reuses substantial parts of their own published work without providing the appropriate references. This can range from having the same paper published in multiple journals, to salami-slicing, in which authors add small amounts of new text or data to a previously published paper or re-publish a portion of it. Authors are responsible for indicating and acknowledging the sources for all ideas, text, images, or diagrams used in their submissions.



Submitted manuscripts will be checked using software which finds similarities to published materials. If plagiarism is detected by an editorial board member, reviewer, or editor at any stage during the evaluation of a submission, we will alert the author of any actions to be taken. These may include outright rejection of the article, if the similarities exceed 25%, to a requirement that the author revise the article in order to eliminate the extent of the duplication. Explanations may be required in the case of significant similarities to previously published work. If it is discovered that the article is simultaneously under consideration by another journal, it will be rejected outright.


If any reader discovers an incidence of plagiarism involving published work in the Journal of Religion & Film, we ask that you inform the editors. If the editors determine that significant plagiarism has occurred, we may remove the article or take other action that is deemed necessary.


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Journal of Religion and Film Copyright © 2023 by Journal of Religion & Film is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.