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About the Campaign

Please visit this link for our fundraising campaign. 

Since its founding in 1997 as one of the first academic peer-reviewed online journals, the Journal of Religion and Film has developed into one of the most highly regarded publications in the field. With more than 160,000 downloads annually and readers from almost every country on Earth, the journal has had an impact on international scholarship by providing free and open access to its articles and film reviews for scholars, students and filmmakers. Journal reviewers have attended the Sundance Film Festival for more than 20 years, enabling us to publish reviews of independent films premiered there, and we have now expanded to include reviews from Slamdance, Toronto International Film Festival and SXSW. We also have sponsored the International Conferences on Religion and Film held in Omaha, Istanbul, Syracuse, Toronto and Halifax, with future conferences planned for sites as diverse as Amsterdam and Hollywood.

The journal operates on funds supplied by a modest endowment and has never charged for access to its content. In order to meet rising costs and continue as a free academic journal, we need to increase the size of our endowment. This will enable us to continue to offer high-quality scholarships free to all, attend film festivals, publish our reviews and sponsor international conferences.

Make your gift to the “Journal of Religion and Film” today.


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Journal of Religion and Film Copyright © 2023 by Journal of Religion & Film is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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