
Module 1: How do we Build Family Engagement in Schools?

Since family engagement is important, the question becomes, how do we make it happen? Dr. Karen Mapp developed the Dual Capacity-Building Framework. In this video, Dr. Mapp provides an overview of the framework. We can think of the conditions as the underlying foundation for family engagement, then we build on our programs and policies to increase capabilities, connections, confidence, and cognition. Ultimately, this leads to positive outcomes for educators, families, and students.

As we move forward with developing your skills, knowledge, and approach to family engagement, we will keep these conditions, goals, and outcomes as a foundation.

Yuja video: Dual Capacity-Building Framework Overview Video


You can also watch Dr. Mapp talk more about Parent and Family Engagement in Education:

Read this resource: The Dual Capacity Framework for Family-School Partnerships a publication of the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL) in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Education.