
Module 1: Why Does Family Engagement Matter?

Module Description:

image of three leaves, with the words "family, school, and community."


In this module, you will learn about:

  1. What we mean by family engagement.
  2. The benefits of family engagement.
  3. Foundations for building meaningful family engagement in schools.
  4. Core competencies found to be important for family-facing professionals like teachers and related service providers.


Aligned NAFSCE Competencies:

  • #1. Respect, Honor and Value Families;
  • #2. Embrace Equity Throughout Family Engagement
  • #3. Build trusting, reciprocal relationships with families
  • #4. Foster Community Partnerships for Learning and Family Wellbeing
  • #5. Co-construct learning opportunities with families
  • #6. Link family and community engagement to learning and development
  • #7. Take part in life-long learning
  • #8. Advocate for systems change



This short video shares a glimpse at what family engagement is and why it matters. After watching the video:

  1. Think of an important, caring adult in your life. Why are you thankful for that person? What have they done to encourage or support you?
  2. Why is it helpful to partner with families of students?
  3. How prepared are you to have meaningful interactions with families of your students?


REAL Talk About Family Engagement Flamboyan Foundation 







  1. "Falling for Family School Community Engagement ❤️" by LauraGilchristEdu. CC BY 2.0.
  2. Image Credit: Portland Public Schools