
Module 2: What are Essential Core Beliefs for Family Engagement? 

Our beliefs about families, communities, and education can impact how we interact with families. Henderson and colleagues (2007) outlined four core beliefs for family engagement. In this video, Dr. Mapp shares an overview of the beliefs.

  1. All families have dreams for their children and want the best for them.
  2. All families have the capacity to support their child’s learning.
  3. Families and school staff are equal partners.
  4. The responsibility for cultivating and sustaining partnerships among school, home, and community rests primarily with school staff, especially school leaders.

Pause and Think

  • Do these core beliefs resonate with you?
  • Which ones push you out of your comfort zone?
  • Would you add anything else?

In the next sections, you will learn about the importance of understanding culture and how you can build on families’ dreams and knowledge. Engaging them as true partners and experts in their child’s life.