
Module 4: General Strategies for Leading Effective MDT Meetings 

Leading MDT meetings takes practice to meet the procedural steps and maintain focus on establishing and maintaining strong partnerships with families. The following steps provide a guide for leading effective meetings (for more information see Esquivel et al., 2008; Cohen et al., 2011; Weaver & Ouye, 2015; LeBlanc & Nosik, 2019).

  1. Start the meeting with time to build relationships between the individuals attending the meeting
  2. Introduce all members of the team and use name tags at the table
  3. Discuss team members’ roles
  4. Provide an overview of the purpose of the meeting and agreed upon agenda
  5. Use the four basic communication strategies for connecting with families introduced in Module 3.
    • Observe and describe the child’s behavior
    • Listen actively
    • Encourage sharing about the child
    • Support parental competence
  6. Provide positive feedback to maintain engagement and encourage continued participation
  7. Be cognizant of parents’ varied emotional needs during this process and work to support their understanding and provide time for processing these changes
  8. Never rush parents into signing an MDT report and they should have an opportunity to have any questions answered.
  9. Provide a summary of what has been accomplished and next steps

For additional recommendations, see IRIS | Page 5: Build Positive Relationships (vanderbilt.edu).