
Module 5: Practices for Shared Implementation and Progress Monitoring  

After the IEP meeting, it is important to continue to partner to implement the plan and share information about progress and any additional needs. Specific actions you can take to partner with a family include: 

  • Reflect on your interactions with the family and services provided to the student.
  • Reflect on what supports the family needs to support the student. If desired by the family, help them connect the family with school and community resources.
  • Reach out after the meeting to answer any questions.
  • Connect with the family regularly to share updates on progress and celebrate student successes. Consider family preferences for communication (see Module 3) and that the information is provided in a family-friendly, accessible way.
  • Continue to be willing to learn from families when they share information.
  • Use a problem-solving approach to identify barriers to family engagement, analyze the concern, identify solutions, and evaluate the impact on engagement.

Module 5 Case Scenarios