
Module 6: What Could Family Engagement Look Like in My Classroom and How Might I Advocate for Families?

Module Description:

In this module, you will learn about:

  1. Ways to engage families in the classroom.
  2. Ways to engage families throughout the academic year, during transitions, and within after school programs.
  3. Local community resources and their available supports.
  4. Ways to connect families to community resources.
  5. Ways to advocate for families.

Aligned National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement (NAFSCE) Competencies:

#2. Embrace Equity Throughout Family Engagement

#6. Link Family and Community Engagement to Learning and Development

#7. Take Part in Lifelong Learning


What are some positive and negative examples of family engagement you have seen from a practicum or another experience? Why did or do these stand out to you? What have these experiences taught you and how will they influence the way you anticipate family engagement looking in your classroom?