
Module 6: Wondering What Effective Family Engagement Could Look Like?  


There is no one right way to approach family engagement in the classroom, and family engagement may look different at different times for different families. However, family engagement and participation are required, and it may be something you have spent time thinking about, especially as you have learned more about the students you are working with. In this module, we will focus on the variety of ways that family engagement might look in your classroom.

Two parents sitting at small conference table talking to teacher during parent-teacher conferences.

Wondering what effective family engagement could look like? It could look like this! Watch this brief video (also featured in Module 1) entitled Effective Family Engagement Could Look Like This to get some ideas (or to refresh your thinking around family engagement). If you have already watched this video, watch the video entitled Promoting Equity in Education Through Family Engagement. In this video, consider how you can empower families and create positive relationships.