Book Title: Concepts in Animal Parasitology

Book Description: This is a textbook covering concepts in animal parasitology. It is meant to be used by students, teachers, professors, researchers, and members of the public who are interested in learning about animal parasite biology, systematics, taxonomy, zoogeography, and ecology. The primary intended audience is upper-level undergraduate or graduate university students who have knowledge of basic biology and, particularly, basic animal biology.
Book Information
Book Description
This is an open access textbook covering concepts in animal parasitology written and reviewed by dozens of respected parasitologists all wround the world. It is meant to be used by students, teachers, professors, researchers, and members of the public who are interested in learning about animal parasite biology, systematics, taxonomy, zoogeography, and ecology. The primary intended audience is upper-level undergraduate or graduate university students who have knowledge of basic biology and, particularly, basic animal biology.
One of the most fascinating things that a person can experience in the complex realm of biology is the discovery of an animal living inside another animal. If this discovery takes place at an early enough stage in the development of a young person’s view of the world, that is, before the rules and regulations of what of society thinks, and before what is good and what is bad are perfused into a learner’s mind, the first discovery of living-motile trematode worms living inside the lungs of a frog or of tapeworms inhabiting the gut of a rodent can be exhilarating and a positively unforgettable experience. The questions that arise when these kinds of animals are encountered for the first time are innumerable and, if answered carefully and perhaps fully, may lead to more and more questions, and hopefully, more and more answers.
Concepts in Animal Parasitology Copyright © by Scott L. Gardner, Sue Ann Gardner, and the other authors. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Zoology: invertebrates