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1. La Leyenda de ADO
Leane Garcia-Hernandez; Abi Jones; Betzaida L. Roman; and Sherzod Saburov (illustrator)
2. Krypta
Cheyenne Anderson; Rhyan Crall; Brayden McNear; Aiden Petersen; and Meghan Taylor (illustrator)
3. The Elementals
Grace Johnson; Kim Le; Katie Sheehan; Jack Thomson; and Ava Rozmajzl (illustrator)
4. Genny’s Save
Christine Kadaw and Hailey O’Hara
5. The Elemental Healers of Durango
Rafael Azpeitia; Selena Calderon; and Victoria Corral
6. The Journey of Cordelia and Sophia
Amanda Harper; Kate Kelly; and Isabella Saklar (illustrator)
7. The King's Medicine Quest
Micah Moten; Sumra Shah; and Kachia Nguyen (illustrator)
8. Bromine's Love Story
Callie Arnold; Gracie Bishop; Julia Uhing; and Sara Dolinski (illustrator)
9. Lasting Bonds
Elaina McHargue; Belem Zapata Ramirez; and Colton Dean (illustrator)
10. Finding Steel through the Clear Glass
Ben Policky and Mikayla Keogh (Illustrator)
11. A Sip of Power
Randy Ramos Galdamez; Kyser Grovijohn; and Po Eh (illustrator)
12. Strength in Numbers
Emily Ernst; Leah Francois; and Rory Lechner (illustrator)
13. Unconventional Heroes
Dylan Wilson; Grace Schawe; and Kenley Montagne (illustrator)
14. Santiago, the Sodium Superhero!
Mary Hyda; Alex Terry; and Nathan Unger (illustrator)
15. Coco's Cosmic Adventure
Matt Curran; Isabella Petty; and Juliana Cooper (illustrator)
16. Vikings’ Venture
Skylar Hopkins; Ally Riley; Marcus S. Steinke; and Milo Nordman (illustrator)
17. The Rise of Two Civilizations
Montserrat Andrade Avalos; Catherine Bahena-Flores; Jenny Mejia; Elizabeth Orellana; Daisey K. Velez; and Kiara Hernandez (illustrator)
18. Crystal Lake
Reshma Shah; Raven Sheldon; and Olivia Johnson (illustrator)
19. Gallium and Phos's Illuminating Journey: Saving the Cave Captive
Gage Herian-Orr; Jayda Parker; and Cory Moeller (Illustrator)
20. More than an Airhead
Patty Kaczmarek; Madison Streit; and Sydney Dickerson (illustrator)
21. The Metal League
Chloe Fox; Nye Htway; Hser Kmwe; Travis Pikop; and Reilly Johnson (illustrator)
22. Bromi Saves the Day
Khadija Mohamed; Peyton Powell; and William Moffitt (illustrator)
23. Harmony of Elements: Chromia and Vanadia’s Tale
Aaliyah Farmer and Amma Pomaa
24. The Unusual Life of Beatrice
Rylan Lawrenson; Chloe Walker; and Adan Quinones (illustrator)
25. Prince Nick and Princess Lexi Save the Day
Brianna Pedigo; Alexa Peterson; Abigail Wagner; and Promise Baier (illustrator)
26. The Oxygen Golem
Scout Traxler
27. A Chlorine Tale
28. The Strength of Fluorence
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Element Stories Copyright © 2023 by Students of CHEM 1140 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.