
18 Crystal Lake

Silicon and Chlorine

Reshma Shah; Raven Sheldon; and Olivia Johnson (illustrator)

The heroes Chloria and Sili grew up on the same planet, far away from each other, and neither of them knew that their paths would eventually cross, and they would become protectors of their people.

In a small village on Earth, Chloria had the characteristics of chlorine. Chloria was very fast to react to difficult situations just like the element chlorine that’s extremely reactive. One day a drought occurred. In many poor villages drought is a sign of hardships. It devastated farmers, and people were very distraught; they didn’t know what the solution to this could be. All the people of the village decided to move to another planet called Venus, to get away from the drought.

In a different village, a girl named Sili grew up knowing that she could do many things. Her mother went into electronics at a young age, and her father made beautiful ceramic tiles for almost his whole life. She knew that she wanted to help people, so she considered electronics for a long time; the advancement of technology helps people every day, especially in the medical field. She was very young when she discovered that she could make glass that would grow out of her. She decided to keep this power a secret because she didn’t really think it was useful. She started researching her career options, and when she saw that others of her species were living on other planets, she knew she had to go. As soon as she was able to, Sili joined a team of scientist elements whose goal was to travel space and research other lifeforms. Together they started discovering other species that the humans called “aliens,” but most of them were just living life like everyone else.

Meanwhile in Chloria’s hometown, Chloria set off on a journey to the forest. This would be a long journey but Chloria was very determined to help her small village. During the journey Chloria met a talking cat who knew all about the natural elements. Chloria explained to the cat about the drought in her village and she wants to find a solution for it. The cat knew all the secrets of the forest and where they are located, so the cat told Chloria about a magical lake far off the end of the forest. Chloria set off to find the magical lake.

It turns out that the people who moved to Venus from Chloria’s village were being kidnapped, but no one in their hometown knew this. Some of the researchers that Sili was working with captured some of the “aliens” to do testing, which was not part of the plan at all. Sili had to do something. She snuck into their facility the night after her traitorous co-workers took the captives. They caught her almost immediately, but she was able to fight them off and get to the captives, but now they were shooting at her! How had she been working with these people and not realized they were bad guys?

As Chloria got near the lake she knew exactly that this would be the solution to the drought that caused her village to fall down. The lake filled with luscious turquoise water was glowing and had a very strong odor. Not wasting any time Chloria decided to fill a large bucket with that magical Chlorine water and return it back to her village. On her way back, little bits of water dripped on the ground from the bucket. As the chlorine water hit the ground the spots would instantly light up and turn bright green. When Chloria reached the village she had just a little bit of that water remaining so she quickly poured all the remaining water on the empty fields. And just like magic, the whole field shimmered and instantly turned a bright luscious green, much better than it was before. Everyone in the village realized the importance of chlorine and it was to be protected.

Meanwhile at the facility, Sili used her glass power to make a shield as she ran to the captives. They were in an electronically controlled cage that she was able to tap into with her connection to the parts, and she was able to set them free. They told her that they weren’t actually aliens, and the scientists that captured them had turned them into aliens. They were supposed to be humans, but currently had 7 eyes and cold gray bodies. They just wanted to go home; not to Venus, but back where Chloria lived.

Sili took the people-aliens back to their home where she met Chloria, who told her about the magical lake that had cured the drought. Together they came up with the idea to take the people who had been turned into aliens to the lake. They got there with the help of the talking cat. Once Sili, Chloria, and the rest of the people were there, the people walked into the lake. The glowing water seemed to wrap them up in a big blanket, and once the water fell back into the lake the people were people again. Sili decided to stay to help Chloria protect her people from all who wished them harm.



Fun Facts:

Chlorine: https://www.livescience.com/28988-chlorine.html

  • Chlorine was first used to purify drinking water for over a hundred years
  • The human body uses chlorine to help fight germs, move muscles and digest food (coolkidfacts, chlorine)
  • Chlorine when its isolated takes form of a greenish yellow gas and it smells like bleach

Silicon: from https://sciencenotes.org/silicon-facts/

  • Silicon is a metalloid which means it looks like a metal but has properties of both metals and non metals.
  • Silicon is not found free in nature- it is normally found as a silicate (silicon + oxygen)
  • Silicon is the eighth most abundant element in the entire universe!



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Crystal Lake Copyright © 2023 by Reshma Shah; Raven Sheldon; and Olivia Johnson (illustrator) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.