
25 Prince Nick and Princess Lexi Save the Day

Nickel, Boron, and Zinc

Brianna Pedigo; Alexa Peterson; Abigail Wagner; and Promise Baier (illustrator)

Once upon a time,  there was a humble little village where people who had powers that were related to elements on the periodic table.  Each villager had their own home and their prince was Prince Nickel, or Prince Nick for short, and he had a clever wife, Lexi, and a best friend named Boron. The winters were becoming colder and colder and Prince Nick knew they needed more electricity and heat for the villagers to survive the coming winter. He asked Lexi to install electricity in the village homes because she was the only one with electrical powers.

But when Lexi reached her hand out to provide the electricity for the first house, a giant flame shot from her hand and instead of changing to electricity, the house was caught on fire! The houses were made of grass and a light breeze carried a burning ember to the neighboring house.  Lexi realized that the entire village was about to burn down and she called for help.  Boron’s power was the ability to extinguish flames.  He ran out of the firehouse and quickly put out the fires.

Thankfully nobody was injured, but Lexi realized she had to reduce the amount of energy that she placed into each home.  She decided to create a central location for her power to be distributed.  She thought that power lines which connected to each home would provide each village family with enough electricity to stay warm through the winter.

Prince Nick knew that the village needed stronger and more stable homes. Prince Nick called on the villagers Zinc to help construct safer homes. When Zinc and Nickel come together, they form a very strong and stable material known as an alloy that does not catch on fire.  Prince Nick knew that with Zinc’s help they could construct houses that would be strong and safe.

Winter was coming fast and Prince Nick, Lexi, and Zinc knew they had to get to work fast. There were 118 homes, one for each element, to build.  However, the temperatures became colder before all the homes could be built, some of the gaseous elements began to solidify due to the lower temperatures.  And while these elements were given first priority the first building built was a community center for all the elements to stay until their homes were completed.

After four long days, all the homes were built and electricity, heating, and cooling was added to each home. Prince Nick needed to be sure that each of the elements had the option to keep their homes at their preferred temperature so that they could be as stable as possible. After all the homes were built, all of the elements made it through a brutal winter. Some of them even had families by making bonds with other elements. And Prince Nick’s village lived happily ever after.

Fun Facts About Nickel:

  1. Most of the world’s supply of nickel is mined in Canada and it is believed that this large deposit is a result of an ancient meteor.
  2. Because nickel doesn’t rust, ancient Peruvians thought that nickel was a type of silver.
  3. Adding nickel to glass turns it green!

Fun Facts about Zinc:

  1.  Zinc is a necessary nutrient for animals, including humans, and plants, but too much of it harmful!
  2. Oysters have the most zinc of any food!
  3. Pennies that have been minted after 1983 are 97.5% zinc with a copper coating!



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Prince Nick and Princess Lexi Save the Day Copyright © 2023 by Brianna Pedigo; Alexa Peterson; Abigail Wagner; and Promise Baier (illustrator) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.