
19 March 2023

Attend NU Open Education Events in April

April 25 – 27 the Open Educational Resources (OER) Community of Practice (CoP) is hosting several virtual events to highlight exciting Open Education efforts. All instructors are invited to these Zoom webinars to learn more.

Focused on promoting initiatives aimed at lowering the cost of course materials for students, the Open Educational Resources (OER) Community of Practice (CoP) includes ITS team members, Instructional Designers, Librarians and Registrars from all four University of Nebraska campuses. April 25 – 27 the OER CoP is hosting several virtual events to highlight exciting Open Education efforts. All instructors are invited to these Zoom webinars to learn more.

NU Open Education Events:
NU OER Research Highlights – April 25, 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Dr. Dan Hawkins, Director of Online Development & Professor of Sociology and Dr. Julie Pelton, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Sociology & Anthropology, both at the University of Nebraska Omaha, will present research related to the use of no-cost and low-cost materials, that are a part of Open Nebraska<https://its.nebraska.edu/innovation-hub/open-nebraska>. They will present preliminary results that compare grades earned and retention rates in Open Nebraska courses to courses that use traditional materials across three NU campuses. Registration is not required, use the following link to join the webinar: https://nebraska.zoom.us/j/99112687415

Student Voices – April 26, 12:00-1:00 p.m.
A student panel consisting of students from each NU Campus will discuss their experience with affordable textbooks. Registration is not required, use the following link to join the webinar: https://nebraska.zoom.us/j/96501272091

OER Curriculum Pathways – April 27, 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Two faculty at the University of Nebraska Omaha will discuss work on creating OER curriculum pathways. Craig Finlay, OER and STEM Librarian, will discuss a team-based initiative to target high-enrollment General Education and Dual Enrollment courses toward building an OER General Education pathway, and Dr. Dan Hawkins, Director of Online Development & Professor of Sociology, will discuss the implementation of an OER degree pathway in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. Registration is not required, use the following link to join the webinar: https://nebraska.zoom.us/j/93737607837

Contact Brad Severa at bsevera@nebraska.edu<mailto:bsevera@nebraska.edu>, with any questions about these events or implementing OER in classes.

3/29 YuJa Quizzes Training Session

As part of the Academic Technologies Lecture Series, we will be offering a training session focused on YuJa Quizzes on Wednesday, March 29th from 10am-11am. This session will be led by Donald Robertson and will include a demonstration of creating quizzes in YuJa and showing how to sync those grades with the Canvas gradebook.  Go to this link to register for this session: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nebraska.bridgeapp.com/learner/training/47a95cf6/enroll__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!AHeiHjJUID1mfH04ige_6wMR5rsqc_3fuJ0U_9GwqxaIbj5x_6TX9Gh0P7B7dL0s9MpJWWgbGKJMtWIvlJUjMI9W4tAw$

Other upcoming lecture series opportunities can be viewed by going to Bridge and accessing the AT Training Calendar at this link: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nebraska.bridgeapp.com/learner/calendar?search=*23unl-at__;JQ!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!AHeiHjJUID1mfH04ige_6wMR5rsqc_3fuJ0U_9GwqxaIbj5x_6TX9Gh0P7B7dL0s9MpJWWgbGKJMtWIvlJUjMC0tSkpU$.


Amy Barry, M.A. (she, her, hers)
Assistant Director, Academic Technologies
PhD Candidate
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Office: (402) 472-2178<tel:(402)%20472-2178>
Want to stay in the loop about campus technologies? Join our mailing list: https://go.unl.edu/ittips

3/23 OneDrive/Sharepoint Training Session

As part of the Academic Technologies Lecture Series, we will be offering a training session about OneDrive/Sharepoint on Thursday, March 23rd from 2pm-3pm. Leah Widdowson will be providing this training session, which will provide an explanation of the differences between OneDrive and Sharepoint, how to access and use each of those tools, and how to successfully connect OneDrive to Canvas.  This presentation is designed for novice users, so you do not need to have any experience with OneDrive/Sharepoint to benefit from this session. The first half of this presentation will be relevant to staff and faculty, and the second half will be relevant to faculty.


Amy Barry, M.A. (she, her, hers)
Assistant Director, Academic Technologies
PhD Candidate
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Office: (402) 472-2178<tel:(402)%20472-2178>
Want to stay in the loop about campus technologies? Join our mailing list: https://go.unl.edu/ittips

Summer 2023 Textbook Ordering Deadline is Mar. 15

The summer 2023 semester textbook ordering deadline is March 15. This date gives the Campus Bookstore time to source the most affordable textbook options for students.

Instructors can order from the Campus Bookstore through the Follett Discover menu in Canvas. Steps on how to order are listed in the Affordable Content Faculty Guide.  https://pressbooks.nebraska.edu/facultyaffordablecontent/chapter/ordering-follett-access-textbooks/

Additional Savings Through Inclusive Access
Inclusive Access programs can save students as much as 80% on their textbooks. There are two IA programs at UNL:

Campus Bookstore’s Follett Access Program: https://pressbooks.nebraska.edu/facultyaffordablecontent/part/follett-access-program/

Unizin Engage Program :

OER Content
If you have an interest in adding OER content to a course, the STAR team can help you with the transition. The team consist of staff from UNL Libraries, the Center for Transformative Teaching, and Information Technology Services. We will be happy to meet with you and answer your questions.

Contact Brad Severa at bsevera@nebraska.edu<mailto:bsevera@nebraska.edu> with questions about any of the affordable content programs for students.

More information about affordable content is available in the Affordable Content Faculty Guide.

3/6 YuJa Editing Training Session

As part of the Academic Technologies Lecture Series, we will be offering a YuJa Training session focused on YuJa’s editing capabilities on Monday, March 6th from 2:30pm-3:30pm. This session will be led by Leah Widdowson and will feature Leah providing a demonstration of doing editing in the YuJa application.  Go to this link to register for this session: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nebraska.bridgeapp.com/learner/training/957a93d1/enroll__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!C-MxhB4oMhOWMIi_R7si_M13ivHCSeX2cNhwQcOuPCR5tAi3y8uYaDADTQYjzBWYDrT52g0WtNSzYpc0Rl3dwiusRFg6$

Other upcoming lecture series opportunities can be viewed by going to Bridge and accessing the AT Training Calendar at this link: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nebraska.bridgeapp.com/learner/calendar?search=*23unl-at__;JQ!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!C-MxhB4oMhOWMIi_R7si_M13ivHCSeX2cNhwQcOuPCR5tAi3y8uYaDADTQYjzBWYDrT52g0WtNSzYpc0Rl3dwioVEpkT$.


Amy Barry, M.A. (she, her, hers)
Assistant Director, Academic Technologies
PhD Candidate
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Office: (402) 472-2178<tel:(402)%20472-2178>
Want to stay in the loop about campus technologies? Join our mailing list: https://go.unl.edu/ittips

Time for Midterm Evaluations!

Do you want to deploy a midterm course evaluation? There’s still time! Please e-mail course.evals@mysurveys.unl.edu<mailto:course.evals@mysurveys.unl.edu>, or send a request through our support web form<https://its.unl.edu/ces-support-request/>. We can get it set up quickly for you to deploy a midterm before or after spring break week. You can use your own questions,  or we can assist.


Ben Lass
Digital Learning Center Coordinator
UNL ITS Academic Technologies
132B Love Library North (LLN)
Lincoln, NE 68588-0441
Office: 402.472.2313<tel:402.472.2313>
Want to stay in the loop about campus technologies? Join our mailing list: https://go.unl.edu/ittips

4/5 Open Educational Resources Training Session

As part of the Academic Technologies Lecture Series, we will be offering a training session focused on Open Educational Resources on Wednesday, April 5th from 1pm-2pm. This session will be led by Brad Severa from ITS and Melissa Gomis from the UNL Libraries.  Brad and Melissa will provide more information what OER is and how to leverage its power for your classes. Go to this link to register for this session: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nebraska.bridgeapp.com/learner/training/e1e929ef/enroll__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!ElUmvNPqVGFtB6ZzpDdfqMtz3ZQPko8MnXsrdeQGPhnu74nw8mDRnr8jLYYg8OPomJxmft9UPuPmRcOW-knDnwiBe1x9$

Other upcoming lecture series opportunities can be viewed by going to Bridge and accessing the AT Training Calendar at this link: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nebraska.bridgeapp.com/learner/calendar?search=*23unl-at__;JQ!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!ElUmvNPqVGFtB6ZzpDdfqMtz3ZQPko8MnXsrdeQGPhnu74nw8mDRnr8jLYYg8OPomJxmft9UPuPmRcOW-knDn1VnbaHd$ .


Amy Barry, M.A. (she, her, hers)
Assistant Director, Academic Technologies
PhD Candidate
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Office: (402) 472-2178<tel:(402)%20472-2178>
[university of nebraska logo lockup with campuses]
Want to stay in the loop about campus technologies? Join our mailing list: https://go.unl.edu/ittips


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