
21 November 2022

Libraries Course Materials in Canvas

In Fall 2022 the University Libraries launched a new tool available in Canvas, Libraries Course Materials, that easily and effectively integrates materials provided by the Libraries (e.g. articles, book chapters, e-Books, streaming videos) as well as other course materials (e.g. OER, websites, instructor-created materials) directly within your Canvas courses.

Some benefits to using Libraries Course Materials include:

*   Save students money by using library-licensed articles, videos, books, and more
*   Canvas integration provides seamless access for students on the first day of class
*   Engage with students through PDF annotation, citation notes, and viewing student usage analytics

We will build the list for you and provide instructions on how to activate it in your course.

How can Reserves and Libraries Course Materials Services help?

*   Search for and embed UNL Libraries-owned and other materials to your course list
*   Digitize articles and book chapters, according to our copyright policy
*   Digitize and embed streaming video, according to our copyright policy
*   Purchase materials for courses not owned by the library, if available

To get started send your course materials list to Zach Eden (zeden1@unl.edu<mailto:zeden1@unl.edu?subject=Libraries%20Course%20Materials>) or fill out the course materials request form: https://libraries.unl.edu/reserve-processing-request-form. We recommend requesting materials at your earliest convenience, as requests will be processed in the order they are received. Learn more about how to integrate this tool into your course and to take advantage of all the features on our Libraries Course Materials guide: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://unl.libguides.com/libraries_course_materials__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!C_N24MuUPMCvchrCh4MNKFgkTmR9DxItiw5h1MdiA-lD8ZUtuAxt2Zb0ypA0BDvLluceEr8M15Y3Z7XHydwVGeO5zNc$<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/unl.libguides.com/libraries_course_materials__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!G8vD5QepjkSdg7dhDWRf87KCzRmtTvwanQ9rAcN9X2VSIE5icOBj5aNuWmcnbg9NWX2AL5DQOG6jVWmzvIFqGVFh0RFSZKK_UnrDLQ$>

Interested in looking for library materials or open educational resources as alternatives or supplements to traditional textbooks? Library faculty are available to collaborate with you to identify no cost content that meets your teaching and learning goals. Our Open Educational Resources: A Guide for Instructors is a great place to start! https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://unl.libguides.com/oer__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!C_N24MuUPMCvchrCh4MNKFgkTmR9DxItiw5h1MdiA-lD8ZUtuAxt2Zb0ypA0BDvLluceEr8M15Y3Z7XHydwVxZzYhcQ$<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/unl.libguides.com/oer__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!G8vD5QepjkSdg7dhDWRf87KCzRmtTvwanQ9rAcN9X2VSIE5icOBj5aNuWmcnbg9NWX2AL5DQOG6jVWmzvIFqGVFh0RFSZKIJX88i8Q$>

Courses using library materials as textbook replacements or along with other no-cost items may qualify for the “no cost” or “low cost” course marking mentioned in the IT Tip on November 6, 2022. To mark your course in MyRed visit: https://go.unl.edu/oneform

Melissa Gomis
Associate Professor of Practice
Teaching & Learning Librarian
University of Nebraska – Lincoln

Course Marking with Open Nebraska

Beginning in the Spring 2022 semester, campuses at the University of Nebraska System began to pilot Open Nebraska<https://its.nebraska.edu/innovation-hub/open-nebraska>. This is a new course attribute program now active in MyRed. If you were not aware, you can mark your courses as having no cost, low cost, or reduced cost, which improves their visibility to prospective students in MyRed. To indicate that your courses fall into one of these categories in MyRed, a faculty member or their designee can go to https://go.unl.edu/oneform to submit a request to the Registrar’s Office to mark their courses accordingly. Here is more information about these three course attributes and the information that they give students at the time of course registration:

No Cost Materials
Course materials are included at no additional cost to the student. No book purchase is required.
Low Cost Materials
Course materials for this course cost students less than $40.
Reduced Cost Materials
Course materials for this course cost students more than $40, but less than the original retail price.

It is important to note that Inclusive access<https://pressbooks.nebraska.edu/facultyaffordablecontent/part/main-body/> materials which are managed through the Campus Bookstore or the Unizin Engage programs will be automatically marked and a request does not need to be submitted on the form linked above.  The form is only for instructors or departments who are using OER<https://pressbooks.nebraska.edu/facultyaffordablecontent/part/open-educational-resources-oer/> materials.

Information on all affordable textbook programs can be found in the Affordable Content Faculty Guide<https://pressbooks.nebraska.edu/facultyaffordablecontent/> and the Student Guide to Inclusive Access<https://pressbooks.nebraska.edu/affordablecontent/>.

Contact Brad Severa bsevera@nebraska.edu<mailto:bsevera@nebraska.edu?subject=Open%20Nebraska%20question> with any questions about Open Nebraska.


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