12 Points to Remember
Points to remember :
1. Clinical Pharmacology and UpToDate LexiDrug are the only two resources UNMC provides that include custom report tools. ⭐
2. Both Clinical Pharmacology and UpToDate LexiDrug include I.V. Compatibility report tools. ⭐
3. Both Clinical Pharmacology and UpToDate LexiDrug include Drug Interaction report tools, but only Clinical Pharmacology can provide interaction reports in consumer language. ⭐
4. Only Clinical Pharmacology includes a custom adverse reactions report tool.⭐
5. LexiDrugs provides price information. ⭐
Think: LexiDrug$
6. AHFS Drug Information provides very thorough monographs that often reference conference abstracts and personal communications. — these may provide pearls of info not available elsewhere.⭐