The Essential Role of Social Media in the Modern Customer Journey

Social media has transformed business-customer interactions, making the customer journey more dynamic and multifaceted. In today’s digital age, social media marketing is vital. Despite economic challenges, businesses prioritize social media investments for their unmatched ability to influence customer decisions and drive brand success.

The importance of social media across industries

Savvy brands leverage social media to engage audiences, expand reach, and boost sales. Here’s how it impacts various sectors:

1. Building brand reputation and loyalty

Social media is crucial for managing reputation. The 2023 State of Social Media Report reveals that 94% of leaders see social data positively affecting brand reputation and loyalty. It fosters personal interaction, building trust, especially in tough times.

2. Enhancing competitive positioning

Social media offers real-time insights for staying competitive. According to 92% of leaders, social data improves competitive positioning by analyzing competitors and trends. AI-driven listening tools like automated insights for better decision-making.

3. Crafting customer-centric strategies

Social media listening provides real-time audience insights. For example, Goally uses this data to refine its services. With 91% of leaders valuing social data for understanding customers, brands can enhance their strategies and interactions.

4. Improving public relations outcomes

In today’s fast-paced news environment, a proactive PR strategy is crucial, and social media is an essential tool for shaping brand narratives. Social media aids PR with consistent thought leadership and storytelling. 91% of business leaders find social insights beneficial for PR strategies. A strong social presence, including that of executives, boosts PR efforts, media influence, and audience engagement.

5. Managing crises

Crises can escalate quickly on social media, making timely and transparent communication essential. A right social listening tool help brands address issues before they escalate. 84% of leaders consider social insights vital for risk management. A well-planned social media crisis strategy can proactively manage risks and minimize potential damage.

6. Driving social commerce

Social media is becoming a key sales channel, with 68% of consumers following brands to stay informed about products and services. Investing in social commerce strategies is crucial as platforms evolve into shopping hubs. Engaging customers with targeted, data-driven campaigns is essential.

7. Delivering exceptional customer experiences

With the rise of digital interactions, top-notch customer service is more important than ever. Social media provides a public platform for customer care, necessitating both proactive and reactive engagement. 88% of leaders deem social data critical for exceptional service. Combining social listening with a strong engagement strategy helps create memorable experiences and foster loyalty.

Understanding Social Media ROI

ROI measures the business value from social media efforts versus costs. Despite its importance, 68% of marketers find proving ROI challenging, according to a 2024 report. Still, social media delivers strong returns, with social commerce expected to grow 30% annually, reaching $2.9 trillion by 2026.

Why ROI matters:

– Resource Allocation: Helps determine where to invest time and money for maximum impact.

– Performance Insights: Identifies effective strategies and areas needing improvement.

– Adaptability: Enables quick responses to market changes and trends.

– Advocacy: Justifies additional investments in social media strategies.

How to improve social media ROI?

To maximize ROI, consider these strategies:

1. Test and optimize

Unlike other marketing channels, social media is ever-changing. To maximize your efforts, you need to frequently test and adjust your strategies. Try different content types, features, and approaches to find what resonates best with your audience.

You can perform A/B tests to assess various elements and refine your social media content strategy based on the results. This can be done through organic posts or paid ads.

2. Draw inspiration from competitors

A proven social media strategy is to observe your competitors. Social posts are public, so you can see who engaged with what and to what extent. Tools offer in-depth competitor tracking and industry benchmarks to see how you compare in your niche.

3. Utilize UTM parameters

To track social media ROI effectively, use Urchin Tracking Module (UTM) parameters. These tags at the end of URLs help you measure how much traffic a particular URL generates.

For example, if you share a link on LinkedIn directing users to your online store, UTM parameters will show you exactly how many visitors came from that post and how many made a purchase.

4. Value your followers

Despite the common belief that follower count is a vanity metric, followers are important. Without them, engagement and sales are unlikely.

TIME’s Social Media Strategist Tameka Bazile highlights that:

– Follower count can indicate trust and loyalty.

– 75% of followers plan to purchase from brands they follow.

– 64% will make buying or boycott decisions based on a brand’s stance on social issues.

5. Refine your goals

A well-known marketer’s adage is: that a goal set is a goal forgotten. Social media goals should be flexible. As Eileen Kwok advises, “Goals established at the start of the year might need adjustments based on organizational changes or shifts in the social landscape. Review and update your goals quarterly to ensure they remain relevant.”

Adjusting goals as new information emerges helps you focus on effective tactics and strengthen your social media strategy.


Social media has become a cornerstone of the modern customer journey, evolving from a supplementary marketing tool to a key driver of customer engagement and business success. By leveraging social media, businesses can boost their brand reputation, gain competitive insights, and develop customer-focused strategies. Its capabilities in managing public relations, handling crises, and promoting social commerce showcase its diverse benefits.

As social media continues to shape customer experiences, measuring its ROI is essential. While proving ROI can be challenging, the potential for significant returns—through increased social commerce and engagement—makes it a valuable investment. Adapting strategies with ongoing testing, competitor analysis, and refined goal-setting helps businesses maximize their social media impact.

In essence, social media’s transformative role in connecting brands with their audiences highlights its vital importance in the modern customer journey. Fully embracing its potential helps businesses stay competitive, foster lasting customer relationships, and drive sustainable growth.


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