
Chapter 8: Texture readings and exercises

Merzz. 19 Artist: Kurt Schwitters (German, 1887–1948). Courtesy of Yale University Art Gallery.

Textures in the MET collection: https://www.metmuseum.org/connections/texture#/

Anselm Kiefer Khan Academy



Is a technique or process of taking a rubbing from an uneven surface to form the basis of a work of art. Take your sketchbook, some pastels and/or charcoal and wander about the classroom, building, and outside. Take as many rubbings as possible, make sure you label each texture surface and the location you found it on your paper. After you’ve collected at least 10 textures, select four to recreate. Try your best to draw the texture you’ve captured in your sketchbook. Check out Kent Bellows work, he masterfully uses texture to create environments and fill negative space.

Danuta, 1985 - Kent Bellows
Danuta, by Kent Bellows, 1984. Courtesy of WikiArt.

Organic boxes:

Draw 9 cubes or spheres and use various organic textures with any media to enforce the illusion of 3 dimensionality.  See examples below.

Smooth and Plastic:

Find two objects that are plastic. Map out the objects lightly in graphite, include highlights and shadows, or any unusual textures. Use color pencils or pastels and illustrate the smoothness of each item.


Make an origami animal. Use graphite to draw the shapes and add value. The white of your drawing paper should be the highlights/brightest whites of the draw origami object.

Reading assignment:

Surrealism: What were the Surrealists about? Their content was confusing, fascinating, full of illusion…open for interpretation. Read about the movement and select few artists to study further. Pick at least three, be prepared to talk about them in class.

The Art Story


Rauschenberg: What type of photography and material did Robert Rauschenberg for his screenprints? How did he overlap and integrate various imagery to build content and visual stimulation?



Writing assignment:

Poetry: Write a sestina poem using words to describe an objects texture(s).

A sestina is a poem with six stanzas of six lines and a final triplet, all stanzas having the same six words at the line ends in six different sequences that follow a fixed pattern, and with all six words appearing in the three line conclusion.
Wikipedia explanation


Large projects:

Roy Lichtenstein was part of the American 1960s Pop Art movement. He used ben day dots seen in commercially printed items as the foundation to construct his satirical imagery.  His work looks machine made but each piece is painted by hand.

Find a quote from a friend, family member, or meme to make a ben day dot image. The words/language in your art can be coming from a person or object. For this project you can use any color media, however, use primary colors to stick with the Lichtenstein concept.

MoMA Roy Lichtenstein

Lichtenstein Foundation

9 Ways to create Ben Day dots

MoMa Pop Art Learning

From Op Art to Pop Art – TATE

Maya Codex:

The most famous codex is the Dresden Codex, with more than half of the content is astronomical information, cycles of planets and stars, eclipses, etc. The Mayans used the codex to plan the calendar year with ceremonies tied to star and planet movement. For them, Mars was represented by a long nosed deer while Venus was a star shape. What type if information is important to you? How could you document your week using shapes, forms, textures, patterns? Can you come up with a codex? – any media –

Plates 10 and 11 of the Dresden Maya Codex. Drawing by Lacambalam, 2001. CC BY-SA 4.0

How to Make the Book: Ancient Book Lab – Making Your Own Codex

Codex Book Binding

Therianthropic Self Portrait:

Draw yourself as half human and half animal. Therianthropes are shapeshifting mythical creatures or deities. Khepri is a scarab headed Egyptian god, Kurma is human tortoise, Kinnara is bird and human, Kumiho is half fox and half human. What animal are you and how will you integrate their physical characteristics into a self portrait? Use any dry drawing media for this project. Focus on textures to illustrate the human and animal aspects; hair/fur, skin, scales, hands/paws/wings…

Artists to research: 

Anslem Kiefer 



My Paintings Change

Andy Goldsworthy  



Artist and Process

Van Gogh  



Starry Night

Gerhard Richter 

MET Museum 

The Story of

Andrew Wyeth  

How Andrew Wyeth Made a Painting



Dutch Still Life Paintings

Daily Art


Kent Bellows  


Studio Visit

Aboriginal Dreamtime

60 Minutes

Planet Doc

Jay DeFeo’s The Rose

Terry Winters  



On Painting

Eva Hesse  

The Artstory


Sol LeWitt’s letter to Eva

Career in Art

Kehinde Wiley  




Ernst Haeckel   

Nature in art

Public Domain Review


El Anatsui



Art 21


Barbara Hepworth





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Foundation Drawing for Art 1100 Copyright © 2022 by Amy Haney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.