
Best Practice

Research findings indicate that positive supervision outcomes contain several highly effective components for teaching, supporting, and interacting with the supervisee. Best practice activities are listed below to provide ideas on how to structure supervision. An evidence-based supervision approach includes all of the following components.

Best Practice Activities

  • A clearly defined supervision agreement
  • Setting an agenda for each session
  • Goal setting
  • Collaborative case conceptualization
  • Incorporating evidence-based practice interventions
  • Consistent case review
  • Corrective feedback
  • Role playing
  • Live (in-session) corrective feedback
  • Modeling (live or video)
  • Attention to the supervisee’s emotions and self-regulation
  • Monitoring supervisee stress levels and providing referrals for self-care
  • Praise and empathy
  • Direct observation of supervisee’s sessions with clients, as appropriate (live or recorded)
  • Instruction and teaching skills

It is essential to highlight cultural identities throughout the supervision process. Cultural differences between supervisor and supervisee are very sensitive and, when not recognized, can be one of the leading causes of negative experiences for the supervisee. Supervisors who pay special attention to power dynamics when the supervisee has a marginalized identity are more likely to support the supervisee’s development (Tugendach et al., 2022; Bogo & McKnight, 2014; O’Donaghue et al., 2018).