
Incorporating Regulations

Understanding the relevant state licensing regulations is critical to good clinical practice and adequate clinical supervision. Regulations should be a part of the conversation when constructing the supervisory relationship and an ongoing part of the supervision process. Consider including components of regulation in the supervision agreement.

Nebraska regulations require the following (paraphrased):

172 NAC 94.008 Qualified supervisor must (A) hold a current active credential and (B) not been disciplined in the last year
172 NAC 94.009.01.A Supervision must focus on raw data of supervisee’s clinical work (recordings or case notes)
172 NAC 94.009.01.B Be distinguishable from personal therapy, didactic teaching, and consultation
172 NAC 94.009.01.C Must include periodic evaluations of supervisee’s therapeutic process and treatment goals
172 NAC 94.013.10.A-H Ethical treatment of supervisees by supervisors, such as avoiding exploitation; awareness of the power imbalance; no dual relationships including a therapeutic relationship; maintaining supervisee confidentiality