38 Chapter Author and Subtitle
A subtitle for this chapter
The PressBooks Team
In many kinds of books you will want a chapter author and/or a chapter subtitle. You might want a quote at the beginning of the chapter as well.
Pressbooks supports all these things, knows how to style them in output, and will also (depending on the chosen theme) insert this content into the table of contents. (Note that chapter subtitle and chapter author can also be used for running headers/footers in PDF, for those who want to customize their CSS.)
To add chapter subtitle and chapter author follow these steps:
- Go to your Edit Chapter page (or Back-matter/Front-matter Edit page).
- Find the Chapter Metadata box (depending on your admin screen settings this may be in different places!).
- Enter your Author Name and subtitle.
- Update.
When you export your PDF and EPUB/MOBI, you’ll see this content nicely styled in your chapter, as well as in the Table of Contents (depending on the theme you’ve chosen).
You’ll see a third field there: “Chapter Short Title”. This is used in the case that your running headers are “chapter title” … and you have a long long long chapter title that won’t fit on the page. This option allows you to add any text you like to the running header.
All of the above should work for Front Matter and Back Matter content as well.