
43 Chapter 11.2: Early Gothic, Late Gothic: Chartes Cathedral

Early Gothic, Late Gothic: Chartres Cathedral

Appearing first in Saint Denis, the Gothic style evolved. Scholars have named the different stages of evolution as the Early Gothic, High Gothic, and Late Gothic. These phases occurred not only in architecture but in sculpture and painting, which played an important part in the decoration of a Gothic church. Mostly destroyed by a fire in 1194, Chartres Cathedral exhibits both the Early Gothic and High Gothic in one church. The west façade and its architectural sculpture date to the mid-twelfth century (1145) and are Early Gothic. The remainder of the building, which replaced the earlier cathedral destroyed by the fire, is High Gothic. Lending Chartres great significance was the relic of the tunic of the Virgin. When it was discovered unharmed after the fire it was considered a miracle and a sign that the Virgin wanted and even grander cathedral. She got one.

Chartres TASK:

This video explores all facets of church architecture including its sculpture and stained-glass windows. This is a long video, which may require viewing it in parts. The questions are divided by the different art forms discussed. After watching the video below, please answer the accompanying questions.

Chartres Cathedral

Chartres TASK prompts:


What are the basic characteristics of the design of the Early Gothic façade?


What architectural components make up the portal?

The sculptural program on the west façade portal (doors) has a specific program. Broadly describe the main themes in the tympanum and their supporting elements.

What are the stylistic features of the Old Testament Kings and Queens – the jamb figures?

Near the end of the video the figure of Saint Theodore is discussed as an example of High Gothic sculpture? How does it differ from the Early Gothic jamb figures on the west façade?

High Gothic Architecture

What are the parts of the nave elevation?

What type of vaults were used?

What are flying buttresses and how did they help achieve divine luminosity?

Stained glass

What are some of the themes included in the glass?

What colors are used and what type of atmosphere did it create?

Reims Cathedral TASK:

The video on Chartres introduced the basic features of the High Gothic style in sculpture and architecture. In architecture, the builders of the great cathedrals that followed Chartres continued to refine the principles established there. Window sizes increased, the mass of the walls disappeared, and vertical lines drew the eyes toward the heavens. Built later than Chartres the sculpture at Reims Cathedral exhibited the current style and the necessity of hiring many sculpture workshops to complete the numerous figures and decoration that adorned the church. After watching the video, please answer the accompanying questions.

Reims Cathedral

Reims Cathedral TASK prompts:

Why was the church of Reims significant? What references are made in the sculpture to the purpose of the church?

The sculptures that make up the Annunciation and Visitation were made at different times by different hands. What are the stylistic qualities of each and what explains the presence of varied styles? Which of the styles expressed the most recent trends?