10 Chapter 3.3: The Pyramids
Monuments fit for divine rulers
The pyramid is the most iconic symbol of ancient Egypt. Already famous in ancient times, the Great Pyramid is the only Wonder of the Ancient world that still exists. These monumental and misunderstood projects were for years assumed to have been built by slaves though recent archaeological work has shown they were in fact built by paid, skilled laborers.

Pyramids TASK 1:
Watch the two videos below and then answer the prompts.
Step Pyramid of Djoser
The Inventor of the First Pyramid | Lost Treasures of Egypt – National Geographic
Ancient Egypt – Djoser and the Step Pyramid
Pyramids TASK 1 prompt:
Pharaoh who built Step Pyramid:
Architect and position:
Form of structure and inspiration for design:
Significance of material:
Components of complex:
Legacy of pyramid:
Pyramids TASK 2:
The pyramids of Giza have been famous for millennia. Instead of being built by slaves (or ancient aliens!) these incredible feats of engineering were built by skilled laborers. Watch the videos below and answer the prompts.
Pyramids at Giza
Ancient Egypt – The Pyramid complex
Great Pyramid Mystery Solved? – National Geographic
Pyramids TASK 2 prompt:
Entrance to pyramid (location):
Location of burial chamber:
Mortuary temple (location and purpose):
Causeway (location and purpose):
Valley temple (location and purpose):
How built (“Mystery Solved”):