
30 Chapter 8.1: Byzantine Art Introduction


Christianity spread rapidly after Constantine legalized it and within decades it became the official religion of the Roman empire. During the Byzantine period Christian churches were built and decorated with splendid mosaics throughout the empire and countless religious artworks were manufactured. Wealthy patrons commissioned objects from ivory and precious metals as well as and manuscripts as well as illustrated manuscripts.


Mosaic from Basilica of San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy. Construction completed in 547. The history of the basilica speaks to the political complexity of post-Roman Europe. Ravenna was the last capital of the Western Roman Empire until it collapsed in 476. However, it was re-conquered by the Byzantine Empire in 540, and remained under Byzantine control until 751.

Byzantine Art Introduction TASK

During the span of the empire its borders shrank and expanded and it experienced turmoil from within and outside the empire. Byzantine art is generally divided into three different periods.

This article introduces you to some of the important monuments and artworks created in the Byzantine empire. Also mentioned are some of the stylistic characteristics of Byzantine art in its different periods. After reading the brief articles, please answer the following questions.

Byzantine Art, an introduction

Byzantine art, an introduction

Byzantine Art Introduction TASK prompts:

What are the periods of Byzantine art?

In the Early Byzantine period how are figures represented in the mosaics mentioned?

What happens to architecture in the Middle Byzantine period?

In the discussion of the Middle Byzantine period, why does the author characterize Byzantine art as diverse?


Ivory relief depicting Byzantine general Areobindus Dagalaifus Areobindus (b. 479, d. 512).
Early period: Ivory relief depicting Byzantine general Areobindus Dagalaifus Areobindus (b. 479, d. 512). Public Domain.

Chronological periods of the Byzantine Empire TASK

About the chronological periods of the Byzantine Empire

Chronological periods of the Byzantine Empire TASK prompts:

What forces threatened the Byzantine empire toward the end of the Early Byzantine period?

What did the Middle Byzantine period follow?

What occurred during the Middle and Late Byzantine period?


Middle period: Gilded mosaic from Daphni Monastery, present day Greece. C. 1100. Public Domain.
Late Period: “The Annunciation,” Church of St. Clement, Ohrid, present-day North Macedonia. C. 1325.