33 Chapter 9.3: Illuminated Manuscripts
Manuscripts in which the writing is accompanied by images are called illuminated manuscripts. In the medieval period, this became one of the most significant types of art created as these books served a multitude of purposes. As everything was done by hand, the production of these books was extremely costly and labor intensive.
Illuminated Manuscripts TASK 1:
The video below describes how manuscripts were made. After watching the video, please answer the accompanying questions.
Getty Museum – Making Manuscripts
Illuminated Manuscripts TASK 1 prompts:
How were the pages created and bound together?
What materials were used for writing?
How was the page prepared for writing and decoration and in what order did these proceed?
How was the manuscript covered?
Lindisfarne Gospels TASK:
Many of the surviving insular manuscripts consist of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). These were used in Catholic worship and to spread Christianity. One of the most famous examples from the early medieval period is the Lindisfarne Gospels. It has some of the same features as other Hiberno-Saxon or insular manuscripts and some unique contributions – namely the reintroduction of the human figure. After watching the video on this exceptional manuscript, please answer the accompanying questions.

The Lindisfarne Gospels
Lindisfarne Gospels TASK prompt:
What type of decorative pages precedes each of the Gospels and what was its possible function?
What form does the decoration take and what does it suggest about art at this time?
What was the significance of the site where this was made?
How is the travel of people and ideas evident in the stylistic influences visible in the figure of Matthew?
What is known of the construction of the book and where is that information found?