34 Chapter 9.4: The Carolingian Empire
For centuries western Europe was divided into small kingdoms ruled by different Germanic peoples, until Charlemagne, a Frank, formed the Carolingian empire, which consisted of parts of Germany, France, and northern Italy, in the 9th century. The Carolingian empire witnessed the construction of large-scale churches and other structures and the revival of the art of the ancient Roman empire. Charlemagne and his successors promoted education, church reform, and the spread of Christianity.

Introduction to Charlemagne TASK:
The two videos below describe Charlemagne and his empire, focusing on different aspects. After watching these videos, please answer the accompanying questions.
Charlemagne: an introduction
Introduction to Charlemagne TASK prompts:
Describe the events that led to Charlemagne’s being crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 800.
What is the nature of the relationship between Charlemagne and the pope?
Who does Charlemagne look to in his desire to create a Christian empire?
Charlemagne and the Carolingian revival
Introduction to Charlemagne TASK prompts:
Charlemagne is presented here as someone interested in correcting, reforming, and standardizing. What efforts support this?
To what does the term Carolingian Renaissance refer?
Carolingian Art Overview TASK:
The videos below examine the political aim of Constantine’s reign and how it is manifest in individual artworks or structures. After watching these videos, please answer the related questions.
Carolingian Art: Charlemagne
Carolingian Art Overview TASK prompts:
What is Charlemagne trying to revive?
To whom does he claim to be a successor?
What message is conveyed in the Equestrian Portrait and how?
How does he link his rule to the Christian empire in the details of the Palatine chapel?
Carolingian Art: Manuscripts and Monasteries
Carolingian Art Overview TASK prompts:
Why did Charlemagne launch and educational campaign and what helped him realize it?
What was Plan for St. Gall and what does its layout tell us?
What is the scriptorium?
What style is the church and how does it connect to Constantine?
What details of Saint Matthew from the Coronation Gospels look back to Rome?