35 Chapter 9.5: Ebbo Gospels and Palatine Chapel
Ebbo Gospels TASK:
The preceding video introduced the Coronation Gospels, which was likely made for Charlemagne by artists referred to collectively as his Palace School. This demonstrates the sustained popularity of the Gospels as a manuscript type. There were numerous scriptoria throughout the Carolingian empire, each having a distinctive style. Made in the city of Reims the style of the Ebbo Gospels found great popularity and was used in the creation of other manuscripts. After watching the video below, please answer the accompanying questions.

St. Matthew from Ebbo Gospels
Ebbo Gospels TASK prompt:
How is this a reinterpretation of the classical?
What is portrayed and in what manner?
To what extent does this reflect a reform in art?
Palatine Chapel TASK:
The Palatine Chapel serves as a model for Charlemagne’s revival of the Roman Empire. After reading the short essay, please answer the accompanying questions.

Palatine Chapel, Aachen (Article from Khan Academy)
Please follow this link to the article from Khan Academy.
Palatine Chapel TASK prompt:
Considering, the materials, site, relics, and influences, how does this invoke Rome?
What served as models for this church and in what features are these models evident?
What was the significance of the octagonal plan?
Which features would have forged an association between Charlemagne and Christ?