
Follett Access Opt Out for Textbook Purchase

For all Inclusive Access textbooks you will have the option to opt out of purchasing the book. You must choose this option before the deadline of the last day to drop a course and receive a 100% refund. This is typically at the end of the first week of classes for the Fall and Spring semesters.
You can check the Academic Calendar for these dates for the summer session courses.

Follett Discover

Note: If you purchase a book through a different supplier, even if it is one your instructor
suggests in your course, you will still be charged for the Follett Discover textbook unless you opt-out.
Follow the guidelines below to see how to opt-out.

Opt In:

To Opt In you do not need to do anything. The textbook will be available to you on the first day of class within the Canvas course. The cost of the textbook will be charged to your Student Account.

Opt Out:

The Follett Campus Bookstore will send an email to you with instructions on how to Opt Out of the textbook for the course. You may contact the Follett Campus Bookstore if you have any questions about this process.

Here is the email you will receive at the beginning of the semester, this is just a sample, dates are not accurate.

(Note that this will not be from your instructor or from a UNL email address)

From: noreply@follett.com

To: xxxxxxxx@huskers.unl.edu

Subject: Welcome to University of Nebraska – Lincoln Bookstore Customer Portal!

Congratulations on your enrollment in University of Nebraska – Lincoln Bookstore Customer Portal. To preserve student choice and promote student savings, University of Nebraska – Lincoln Bookstore has partnered with your campus to provide this program so you will have access to all required course materials on day one of class at prices not available elsewhere. If you decide you do not want to purchase the course materials provided to you as part of the program, you can use the University of Nebraska – Lincoln Bookstore Customer Portal to opt-out of the program.

IMPORTANT! Please note that if you opt-out, you will then be responsible for obtaining the required course materials on your own. Once you have opted-out, you will only be able to opt-in until 08/28/2020 and receive the special pricing that is part of the program.

If you would like to proceed with opting-out, please activate your account below by 08/28/2020 and follow the instructions.

Information you should know…

  • – Your username is your school email address: xxxxxxxx@huskers.unl.edu

Activate your account and set your password by selecting the below link!

Activate Account & Set Password Here (hyperlink not active in sample)

Happy studying and best of luck in class!

Want to log in after you activate your account?

Login Here (hyperlink not active in sample)


Contact your campus bookstore

UNL Campus Bookstore contacts are:

Jennifer Baack  j.baack@follett.com
Linda Green  0507txt@follett.com
Depending on the material you may receive both the ACCESS email from noreply@follett.com and an email from noreply@brytewave.com (which email you receive from Brytewave just depends on whether an account is already active for their huskers.unl.edu address or not).
(Redshelf is the e-Reader that is used by Brytewave.)

Subject: “Brytewave | Your New Materials from…

Sender: Brytewave <donotreply@redshelf.com>.



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Student Guide to Inclusive Access Copyright © by University of Nebraska is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.