
Inclusive Access (IA)

Inclusive Access (IA) is a program that provides reduced cost textbooks to students at UNL. Textbook costs can be reduced by as much as 80%. Textbook publishers offer this cost savings to students by having a course sign up for the program and opting all students into the textbook purchase. Publishers are able to lower costs through higher volume by using this process.

Student textbooks will be available in the Canvas course on day one of the class. Students will be charged for the cost of the textbook on their student account bill. Students have the option to opt-out of the purchase at the beginning of the course. If they opt out before the deadline they will not be charged for the text and will lose access to the Canvas textbook after the deadline passes. If a student adds a course using an inclusive access textbook after the deadline has passed, they will not be able to purchase the text at the discounted price.

Two completely separate programs
for Inclusive Access at UNL are:

1. Follett Access: A program through the UNL Campus Bookstore.


2. Unizin Engage: A program available through the UNL Unizin Membership.

It is very important to choose only one:
Follett Access or Unizin Engage
for all textbooks within a single course.

Both of these programs are integrated into Canvas and links will be available to you in any course you want to use them in. You will need to make sure that the Follett Discover or the Unizin Engage Menu link has been set up in your course before the semester begins.


Best Practices for Using IA in a Course.

  1. Only use one program per course. Do not use a Follett Discover textbook and a Unizin Engage textbook in the same class. You can use each in different sections.
  2. Provide a link in your course to the Student Guide to Inclusive Access Pressbook.
  3. Inform the students as soon as possible that they do not have to find a book for the course it will be included.
  4. Inform the students that they will be charged for the text but can opt-out if they do not want to purchase the text.
    You may direct them to this chapter in the Student Guide to Inclusive Access:
    How to Opt-Out of a Textbook Purchase in Inclusive Access
    If you list other textbook options make sure to make it clear to students that if they purchase a textbook not offered through an inclusive access program they will be charged for the text if they do not opt-out.
  5. Let them know that the opt-out deadline is the same day that they can withdraw from a course and still receive a 100% refund. This date can be found on the Academic Calendar website.


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