
*3b. Correcting the Drug Keyword Search – FSA1


  1. Students will recognize problems in errant drug keyword searches.
  2. Students will correct, if necessary, any errors in their own asciminib search strategies.


required video

Those who received a “great job” comment on their FSA1 assignment can skip the video and proceed to the material and exercises below.  All others are required to watch the video.

asciminib keyword search videoasciminib keyword video thumbnail


Objective 1.  Students will recognize problems in errant drug keyword searches.

Review  the tips for troubleshooting a drug keyword search.   Apply the  tips as you work on the “What’s wrong with the following searches” exercises.  Then apply the tips as you review and correct (if necessary) your drug keyword search.

Tips for troubleshooting drug keyword searches

Are all the needed names present?

    • Is the English generic name present?
    • Are the foreign generic names present?

Ex:   If asciminib (asciminib*) is not truncated, three, foreign generic names must be present in a niltoinib search. If asciminib* is present, one foreign generic name must be present in the search.  This foreign generic name is listed in Martindale’s as an alternatively-spelled synonym.


    • Is a single form of each of the CAS registry numbers present? Hyphens are always present in a CAS number.

There are two CAS registry numbers for asciminib.  One for asciminib and one for asciminib hydrochloride.


    • Are two forms of each investigational name represented in the search?  A hyphenated form and a version without the hyphen (and without any spaces) should be present.

Ex. Asciminib has a several investigational names listed in Martindale’s. Two versions of each of these names (or truncated terms that will retrieve two versions of each of these names) must be present in an exhaustive, “asciminib” search.


    • Are all brand names present?

Ex.  Asciminib is marketed in many countries, but as of 07/2024, a single brand name was being used for this drug.


  • Are any multi-word names (any names that contain spaces) enclosed in quotes?
  • Is each name separated from the adjacent name by an OR
  • Are the ORs separated from each adjacent name by a space?
  • Is the entire list of ORed names enclosed in parentheses?
  • Were any “quoted phrases not found” by PubMed?  If so, have the quotes been removed and any spaces replaced by hyphens?


What’s wrong with the following searches?

As shown in the video, the asciminib search retrieved 178 results on 7/12/2024.


( The search strategy below retrieved 30 results on 7/12/2024. All are relevant.)

(“asciminibu*” OR “asciminibi” OR “1492952-76-7” OR “2119669-71-3” OR “ABL-001*” OR “NVP-ABL001” OR “ABL001*” OR “NVPABL001” OR  “Scemblix”)


The search below retrieved 0 results on 7/12/2024.

(“asciminib*” OR “1492952-76-7 OR “2119669-71-3” OR “ABL*” OR “NVP-ABL001” OR “NVPABL001” OR “scemblix”)


( The search strategy below retrieved 0 results on  7/12/2024.)

(“asciminib*” OR “1492952-76-7 OR “2119669-71-3” OR “ABL*” OR “NVP-ABL001” OR “NVPABL001” OR “scemblix”)


(The search below retrieved 2 results on 7/1/2024.)

(Asciminib;asciminibi;asciminibum;1492952-76-7; 2119669-71-3;ABL-001*;NVP-ABL001;ABL001*;NVPABL001;Scemblix)


(The search below retrieved 32,287 results on 7/12/2024.  Most have nothing to do with asciminib.)

(“asciminib*” OR “1492952-76-7” OR “2119669-71-3” OR “ABL*” OR “NVP-ABL001” OR “NVPABL001” OR “scemblix”)

Assignment and Objective 2.  Students will correct, if necessary, any errors in their own asciminib  search strategies

Work with one or two other members of your class.  Check your own asciminib search and another classmate’s  asciminib search for errors.  List and correct any errors that either you or your classmate found in your assignment.

If you don’t know of another classmate who’s ready to work on checking assignments, you may, instead of working with a classmate, list and correct any errors in the following “sample search” in addition to listing problems with and correcting your own search. 


(AsciminibOR asciminibiOR asciminibumOR 1492952-76-7OR 2119669-71-3OR ABL-001*OR NVP-ABL001OR ABL001* ORNVPABL001 ORScemblix)


Submit your work through Canvas as  your “FSA1 corrected” assignment.  Be sure to include the following in your Word document:

  1. Your name
  2. The name of the classmate who co-checked your assignment and whose assignment you checked (or the corrected sample search with list of errors found in the original sample search).
  3. Your  original asciminib search strategy,  list of errors found in your original asciminib search strategy, and your corrected asciminib search strategy.


Questions, Problems, Text Errors?

Before you leave, …

  • Do you have any questions or do you feel that clarification of some aspect of the materials would be helpful?
  • Have you noticed any errors or problems with course materials that you’d like to report?
  • Do you have any other comments?

If so, you can submit questions, comments, corrections, and concerns anonymously — or with your e-mail (your choice) — through this online form .  Alternatively, you’re always welcome to contact Cindy Schmidt directly 402-650-5056, cmschmidt@unmc.edu, or by making an appointment to meet with Cindy via Zoom.

Answers to questions or requests for clarification that are submitted anonymously will be answered in Canvas on the “Discussions” page for this course.


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Introduction to Drug Information Copyright © by Cynthia M. Schmidt is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.