
10 Detailed Information for “Scar” Heading

You are now looking at the detailed information for the “Scar” heading. Notice that there are headings narrower than the scar heading (The narrower headings are enclosed in a red box in figure below). When you use the default “exploded” heading, a search for records indexed with “scar” will also retrieve records indexed with these narrower headings.

A screenshot shows the position of the narrower headings included in a search when the "scar" heading is exploded.

You do not need to use any subheadings with “Scar” so you do not need to “Take to Disease Search”.

  • You can either:
    • click the “Show ….. results” button to go straight to the search results,


    • if you need to add more subject headings to a search, you can use the “Add to Query builder” button to begin creating an EMBASE search that includes the exploded “Scar” heading.

A screenshot shows the position of the "Show...." button and the "Add to Query Builder" link.

If you haven’t already done so, go ahead and click the “Show … results” button.


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PubMed and EMBASE Review for IPPE Copyright © 2020 by Cynthia M. Schmidt is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.